It can be disheartening, but you have to realize that most people aren't doing it right. They don't play many hours, use too much camo , rack up expenses, play crappy games, etc.ccibball50 said:One unheartening aspect of blackjack that I see all the time the low amounts of money won. I have been counting for a bout 3.5 years, but really hit it hard about 10 months ago. I have made about $3000 or 600 units playing in the last 10 months.(this is much lower than most people) It seems to me that not many people, even people here who travel and play all the time make much money. If your not making $100,000 + its seems not worth it to me. Unless you are using this for fun, or a part time job, or you are retired collecting Social security, retirement, etc. There just doesn't seem to be much money in BJ unless you allready have millions and invest it in team play like the MIT team.
Just food for thought. I hope someone can prove me different.
moo321 said:It can be disheartening, but you have to realize that most people aren't doing it right. They don't play many hours, use too much camo , rack up expenses, play crappy games, etc.
There's also a certain point where it all gets better, which is what I've been hitting the last few months. You are betting green to black, and all of a sudden you start getting all of your rooms comped. Your meals are paid for, and you start getting junket offers in the mail. Your cashback and matchplay offers start creeping into several hundred dollars a trip. Once they start flying you around for free, it gets WAY better.
Now, you have essentially no expenses, and you're betting at a level where you can make several green chips an hour.
I play green chips.gibsonlp33stl said:Out of curiosity...what kind of BR are you working with playing that kind of a game? Sounds like a lot of fun:eyepatch:
My real question to everyone, along with the results of 2008, what kind of hours were you putting in and what kind of hourly rate were you getting? The amount of money is neat to see, but I'm just curious what kind of investment you're making timewise.
Same hereKasi said:Within 1 stan dev of expected :grin: