2008 year results


Ops I got that figure mixed up. It was suppose to be $10,200 to $10,400. It must be these dam meds that I am taking. Sorry about the mistake.


Well-Known Member

One unheartening aspect of blackjack that I see all the time the low amounts of money won. I have been counting for a bout 3.5 years, but really hit it hard about 10 months ago. I have made about $3000 or 600 units playing in the last 10 months.(this is much lower than most people) It seems to me that not many people, even people here who travel and play all the time make much money. If your not making $100,000 + its seems not worth it to me. Unless you are using this for fun, or a part time job, or you are retired collecting Social security, retirement, etc. There just doesn't seem to be much money in BJ unless you allready have millions and invest it in team play like the MIT team.

Just food for thought. I hope someone can prove me different.


Well-Known Member
ccibball50 said:
One unheartening aspect of blackjack that I see all the time the low amounts of money won. I have been counting for a bout 3.5 years, but really hit it hard about 10 months ago. I have made about $3000 or 600 units playing in the last 10 months.(this is much lower than most people) It seems to me that not many people, even people here who travel and play all the time make much money. If your not making $100,000 + its seems not worth it to me. Unless you are using this for fun, or a part time job, or you are retired collecting Social security, retirement, etc. There just doesn't seem to be much money in BJ unless you allready have millions and invest it in team play like the MIT team.

Just food for thought. I hope someone can prove me different.
It can be disheartening, but you have to realize that most people aren't doing it right. They don't play many hours, use too much camo , rack up expenses, play crappy games, etc.

There's also a certain point where it all gets better, which is what I've been hitting the last few months. You are betting green to black, and all of a sudden you start getting all of your rooms comped. Your meals are paid for, and you start getting junket offers in the mail. Your cashback and matchplay offers start creeping into several hundred dollars a trip. Once they start flying you around for free, it gets WAY better.

Now, you have essentially no expenses, and you're betting at a level where you can make several green chips an hour.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
It can be disheartening, but you have to realize that most people aren't doing it right. They don't play many hours, use too much camo , rack up expenses, play crappy games, etc.

There's also a certain point where it all gets better, which is what I've been hitting the last few months. You are betting green to black, and all of a sudden you start getting all of your rooms comped. Your meals are paid for, and you start getting junket offers in the mail. Your cashback and matchplay offers start creeping into several hundred dollars a trip. Once they start flying you around for free, it gets WAY better.

Now, you have essentially no expenses, and you're betting at a level where you can make several green chips an hour.

Out of curiosity...what kind of BR are you working with playing that kind of a game? Sounds like a lot of fun:eyepatch:

My real question to everyone, along with the results of 2008, what kind of hours were you putting in and what kind of hourly rate were you getting? The amount of money is neat to see, but I'm just curious what kind of investment you're making timewise.




Well-Known Member
gibsonlp33stl said:
Out of curiosity...what kind of BR are you working with playing that kind of a game? Sounds like a lot of fun:eyepatch:

My real question to everyone, along with the results of 2008, what kind of hours were you putting in and what kind of hourly rate were you getting? The amount of money is neat to see, but I'm just curious what kind of investment you're making timewise.


I play green chips.

As far as time investment, I know I played less than 100 hours. So probably around $50 an hour.


Well-Known Member
+3457 dollars for 338 hours!!!!!!! of table time!!! I track my table time down to the quarter hour, and do not include the time i spend walking to and fro, drivign in garages, driving to and fro AC, relaxing for free food, and spending my winnings on strippers.

My life has forever been changed by being at +19,100 only a few weeks ago

I predict i should have about 40-50 dollars per hour for my efforts, i did for most fo my recorded bj history, i am just very far under par right now.

I also sat down and gustimated that iv received over 2k in comped food, which is kinda awsome.

Also im pretty sure im going to get to play in blackjack tournament for free soon, and theres some nice prize money involved.
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Well-Known Member
+30K. Made many trips to AC and 1 to LV. About every three trips two were positive. My minimum bet mixed from 15 to 100, depends on the game condition. Got a few flat bet, half shoed and one back-off. Overall, it was a good year. I didn't have to pay any food or rooms and doubled my BR.


Well-Known Member
Guys, 30k is small potatoes. Lets go fo the big time and make millions. Team play is the only way!!!, Although I feel I am not quite ready for that yet, Give me about 1 more year and I will have a team.


Well-Known Member
I finished 2008 + $19,650

PLUS 784 (green) units.
It would be more meaningful if I had recorded my time,
but I failed to note session lengths.
For 2009 that error will not be repeated.
I can say how many days I played and I can ESTIMATE an average of 4 hrs.
I played just a total of 69 days, on which 47 days I won.

69 x 4 = 276 hours. 784/276 = 2.84 units per hr. = $71 / hour


Extremely close to expected.

+5080 for 147 hours. I play green chips mostly, like a previous poster dependent on game conditions. Also have received about 700 in comps (free slot play, rooms, food), which isn't much but it appears to be rising given the desperation in casino marketing departments these days.

I only started about 5 months ago, so I'm pleased to be close to expected. At the same time, I may be experiencing some positive variance, because quite honestly I have trouble ramping my bet adequately due to a fear of heat.