Well, just to be transparent, all I did was use Table 10.43, a 4.5/6 S17 DAS game from Don's book.White Guy said:" I know I have learned a lot from people here and really do appreciate all points of view and opinions..
KOLAN... What is the answer for gods sake!! HAHAH..
So it was a 6D game compared to Kolan's 4D game, it assumed indexes and who knows what Kolan's guy did, it used Hi-Lo instead of Zen, it assumed 75% pen instead of unstated for Kolan's guy, it assumed 100.hds.hr as opposed to unstated in Kolan's post, it assumed betting those amounts at certain TC's as opposed to unstated by Kolan as to when the amounts were bet, it assumed he played all hands dealt as opposed to some kind of back-counting/wonging-out scenario, etc.
So, I guess at least based on some sim lol. I just said simless because of so many assumptions compared to Kolan's orig Q.
So, who knows what Flash may be assuming. He seems to go by his general rules of thumb alot. Sometimes it makes general sense to me, sometimes not lol. Losing 33 max bets in 800 hands seems here. Having a $6K roll and not playing with $2K is probably good advice. Having a $7200 roll in a 6/8 with same rules would be nothing close to the same ROR to me.
Here's the sheet I used based on that Table 10.43.
Newb99 - I didn't know if this was similar to what you do in your sheet except for maybe you can plug in any unit spread (always in units as a spread) and the results should be valid given the freq, advs and SD's from the orig sim. Sounds like we're in the same ballpark anyway with any differences perhaps due to different underlying assumptions.
You can change the numbers in red for $roll, $unit size and put in any unit spread you want. So down in the Trip ROR, I just put in 400 (units) and 8 (hours) and got the small risk lol. Farther down, I put in 800 hands and saw losing $2K was getting close to -4 SD. Plug in the N0 number of hands here and the low of 1 SD should be zero.
Plugging in larger $rolls won't change much except lifetime ROR.
Plug in a $10K roll, change $unit to $10 and change spread to 1,1, 2.5, 10, 12 and results should equal the 1-12 practical spread from Don's table.
Change the TC freq, the W/L% and SD from any of his play-all tables and one should get what he gets.
The main thing is, even for a guy like you White Guy who maybe plays a fair amount, wants to win a little money, counts when he does play, with/without indexes, even for small stakes maybe or maybe not, I mean why not blow $100 on a sim that will answer all this nonsense and at least put you in the ballpark anyway as to risk and what to expect assuming you play a reasonably consistent game? I don't mean you personally but maybe a guy like that anyway.
Now a guy like FLASH, a 40 year vet, playing with the roll and stakes he does, I can't even imagine relying on rules of thumb nonsense and playing without a sim.
I know, I'm no dam* fun. I'm sure you guys have fun when you play without all this sim bullcr*p. The only time I have fun playing is when I know I won't even try to compare EV to results :grin:
Well, OK, I get back to the room, add back-in waitress and dealer tips, add in full-retail for the Coronas, count and mostly bet $5 with $5K in my pocket so, if things get desparate and I have to employ my voodoo "chance of finishing at least a half-unit ahead in the next 20 rounds with an x-unit roll" cr*p, and, If I'm even with starting roll, I figure I'm actually ahead.
But I still enjoy trying to figure what people do and why with how much, why they think what they might, etc, what "AP" means to them, etc.
So, like you maybe, I figure pretty much everyone who plays this game regularly in real life can teach me something lol.
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