Hanging with the Flash and Tarzan


Well-Known Member
Recently, it's been kind of crazy with all the AP's I've run into from this site. I went years without meeting one and suddenly I've bumped into a few.

Well I finally had the chance to hang out with not one but two prominent AP's from this site. I will say it was quite an experience. I always wondered why Flash called himself Flash. I now know the answer. Time in this business is money and he prides himself on being as efficient as possible. We had agreed to meet up in a certain place and I honestly had no idea what to expect. When I found him, at first I wasn't totally sure it was him as his pic he sent me made him look like he came from Bellevue psych ward. J/k Flash. I could tell right away though that his AP game had been developed far beyond what most people do for camoflague. He played the role of the ploppy quite well. I had a seat with him and got introduced to a whole new game with the master playing it. While the results weren't quite what he had hoped for, I did learn a lot.

I then got to see first hand how AC in general has a lot to learn when it comes to treating its most valuable clients.
Anyway, the night was young and I had no idea what I was in for. We go back to the casino and Flash tells me we're going to meet up with Tarzan. Just to give you an idea, Tarzan is like the exact opposite of Flash which made watching the banter between the two pretty hillarious.
I later learned that while Tarzan certainly from appearance had the ploppy look, he is a deadly assasin at the tables.

We split up for a bit as I decided to play some poker and I ran into some terrible luck. I must have had AK oh about 5 times and lost every single time with the hand despite raising preflop. I just couldn't win and found myself down a bit. I suggested we go some place else to play BJ. I then learned that this trip wasn't just going to require mental agility but also physical agility as I tried to twist and contort my body in every way trying to get into Tarzan's vehicle. Now in his defense, it isn't every day you get to go cruising and feeling the ocean breeze in his vehicle of choice. After somehow managing to get out of his vehicle without killing myself :p , I felt like I was with a wolf pack about to take down our unsuspecting prey.

We found a table and it was going badly at first as the count was in the sewer for the whole time. Despite not even having any preplanned strategy for taking down this casino, we handled this adversity pretty well I thought. The dealer was giving us funny looks and I was just bursting out laughing inside because he had absolutely no clue what he was up against. Finally, the count rose a tiny bit and I was gleefully anticipating what 3 AP's were going to do to the casino. Unfortunately, it was for a very short period of time. Some ploppies meanwhile tried to enter our domain and take a seat. Oops, sorry sir, your seat has been revoked courtesy of Flash and Tarzan. Oh did you see a seat here Ms. Ploppy? I think you better have your vision checked. Unfortunately there was a ploppy who managed to infiltrate our ranks. When she made a comment about one of our plays, we all looked at her and well she got the stare down of her life ;) Pretty soon she was gone not knowing what had hit her. I later got an education on just how deadly Tarzan is. My feeble weapon of Hi-Lo with an ace side count was nothing compared to his BFG. Not to mention the other weapons he utilized.

By this time, Flash and I were pretty exhausted so after getting some grub, we headed back to Flash's room and chilled for a while and I said my goodbyes to them. The next day I was on my own and well it just felt different not being with the two other warriors.

Nevertheless, I had much better luck turning almost everything into gold as I made about a 100 unit comeback so despite being exhausted, it was a great trip and one I won't soon forget.


Well-Known Member
Thunder couldn't boom. When the cards are recalcitrant in extremis, there is little that one can do.

Tarzan, Thunder, and I had some fun, but it was sunrise when we quit.

I was in a festival of physical pain and could no longer focus.

I had been awake for (almost precisely) 24 hrs; much of it spent hunched over my chips.

Tarzan's internal clock is neither diurnal nor nocturnal; being in sync with Guam.

Walking the boards with a prancing cross-dresser like Tarzan (sans 6" spike "f*ck-me-pumps") is hilarious even stone cold sober !


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Thunder couldn't boom. When the cards are recalcitrant in extremis, there is little that one can do.

Tarzan, Thunder, and I had some fun, but it was sunrise when we quit.

I was in a festival of physical pain and could no longer focus.

I had been awake for (almost precisely) 24 hrs; much of it spent hunched over my chips.

Tarzan's internal clock is neither diurnal nor nocturnal; being in sync with Guam.

Walking the boards with a prancing cross-dresser like Tarzan (sans 6" spike "f*ck-me-pumps") is hilarious even stone cold sober !
I don't think he has an internal clock! I have to find out where he gets pumps like those from! My ex would have loved them :p


Well-Known Member
Now there is another awesome story!! You know just from conversations and post that these gent's are just bad a** and they tote a one-eyed Catalunian gypsy girl OMG talk about heros heck yaaaaa!!!!:grin:


Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I met Flash and Tarzan. I accompanied them in a hotel elevator to Flash's mega-suite thinking "Is this a smart move? I don't know these guys. Am I going to get rolled and robbed of my BR in his room?" (Tarzan is a gritty-looking character...) As it turned out, all's well that ended well and we had several enjoyable get-togethers in AC.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Hopefully Tarzan was able to enlighten Thunder about silver? zg
Are you that desperate to stir the pot ZG? Last I heard, silver took quite a beating and I'm not totally convinced the beating is over yet having looked at its chart. If you wish to continue this conversation, please post in the approriate thread.


Thunder said:
Are you that desperate to stir the pot ZG? Last I heard, silver took quite a beating and I'm not totally convinced the beating is over yet having looked at its chart. If you wish to continue this conversation, please post in the approriate thread.
"Silver took quite a beating"

Yes, I'm that desparate! Silver is only up about 100%, last 12 mos. All the shimmer is gone!
I must do everything I can to get more suckers to buy or I'll take a bath!! z:laugh:g

Ps - Okay, back on topic... but silver is not off topic when the subject is Tarzan,
because Tarzan appears to be as passionate about gold and silver as he is about blackjack.


A hell of a good time

Meeting you was great Thunder and what can I say about Flash... It's ALWAYS a rip-roaring good time when he is around and I enjoy hearing his perspectives on a variety of subject matter. He is a unique and diverse individual and over the period of time he has become a good friend. My schedule was tight those few days, or otherwise I would have worn one of my better evening gowns for this event! I was in such a rush that I barely got my eyeliner applied properly!

21ForMe, the first time I met you I was thinking the same of MY bankroll because they say it's those innocent looking ones that you really have to watch out for!hahahaha Some of the things you (and Flash) do are fascinating to me and to hang with other professional players can mean tweaking up and fine tuning what you do along with seeing other avenues that have been ventured by others.

Due to limited time, Thunder and I didn't discuss silver, gold, stocks or economics and simply stuck to blackjack but I look forward to future adventures and hopefully next time I'll have one of my better evening gowns out of the dry cleaners!


Well-Known Member
If you haven't seen Tarzan, with a tin cup, in the early morning fog,
shuffling along the boardwalk wearing a sandwich board saying:
"Will Count Cards for Food" — you have not lived, my callow friends.