We can't know when - all we can do is measure the liklihood of finishing wherever over whatever period of time. So, if it's extremely rare maybe we are doing something wrong because the math says it's just too unlikely.sagefr0g said:the big question is of course when. and that is what we can't know lol.
So the next 6 months results will tend to average the same as the next 1000 6 month periods. All we know for sure is that 68% of the time the results will be within one stan dev of EV, 95.5% of the time within 2 stan dev, etc. It's a system of random variables after all acting under a set of rules and will behave as the math says. What amazes me is that it can be figured out. You can't change the laws of probability.
Which is actually a good thing because it also means you will eventually win with a certain liklihood lol.
So when you increased your spread with your higher roll maybe losing like that was a rare event or maybe it was highly likely. But at least it's measurable. So maybe after some brutal losing streak, being able to measure the liklihood of experiencing that brutal streak may give you some comfort be cause it's only going to happen once every 500 times and after all was to be expected eventually.
From something you said recently I got the idea you turned a very small roll into a much larger one, maybe perhaps being shot in the ass with luck lol. But betting proportionally to that after you won a bunch might have been a litltle bold. Pure speculation mind you lol.