Best Book for a Beginner Hi/lo Cardcounter?


Well-Known Member
If you are......

......completely new to card counting and blackjack I would recommend you excellent blackjack book (perfect for beginners).

It is called

"The Smarter Bet Guide to Blackjack" by Basil Nestor

Little 130 page book perfect for beginners. I read about 50 blackjack books (good and Bad) and I don't think that anybody ever made better book for beginners.

"Blackbelt in Blackjack" is excellent book but if you already have some previous knowledge of Blackjack. Arnold Snyders intention was to make book good enough for beginners and pros, but my personal opinion is that it has way to many informations for beginner, and that you would be better off with first book. Next step after that would definitely be "Blackbelt in Blackjack".


Well-Known Member
ken ustons - million dollar blackjack is the one i'm reading right now and it covers from being a better social player (free drinks and a good time as long as possible) to being an advanced counter.. the best part is that it has ways to help you like flashcards and diffrent things you can do to practice, like counting down a deck in 25 secs. its real easy reading and there are some good stories in there too.