KO 'composite' for Canceler


Here are my approximated/composite-type 1-2D RC indices for KO:

(feel free to recommend improvements)


12 /2=+4, 3=+4, 4=IRC, 5=IRC, 6=IRC

13 /2=IRC, 3=IRC

15 /9=+9, 10=+4, A=+8

16 /9=+6, 10=KC, A=+7

8 /3=+8, 4=+6, 5=+4, 6=+4

9 /2=+4, 7=+4

10 /10=+4, A=+4

11 /10=IRC, A=KC

A6 /2=KC

A7 /2=KC

A8 /4=+4, 5=KC, 6=KC

A9 /5=+4, 6=+4

XX /5=+4, 6=+4


88 /9=+2, 10=+2, A=+2

16 /8=+5, 9=0, 10=IRC, A=IRC

15 /8=+7, 9=+4, 10=0, A=+3

14 /10=+4, A=+5


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Here are my approximated/composite-type 1-2D RC indices for KO:

(feel free to recommend improvements)


12 /2=+4, 3=+4, 4=IRC, 5=IRC, 6=IRC

13 /2=IRC, 3=IRC

15 /9=+9, 10=+4, A=+8

16 /9=+6, 10=KC, A=+7

8 /3=+8, 4=+6, 5=+4, 6=+4

9 /2=+4, 7=+4

10 /10=+4, A=+4

11 /10=IRC, A=KC

A6 /2=KC

A7 /2=KC

A8 /4=+4, 5=KC, 6=KC

A9 /5=+4, 6=+4

XX /5=+4, 6=+4


88 /9=+2, 10=+2, A=+2

16 /8=+5, 9=0, 10=IRC, A=IRC

15 /8=+7, 9=+4, 10=0, A=+3

14 /10=+4, A=+5
Awesome, I just stumbled upon this! ZG, I did not know you played KO?


Knox said:
Awesome, I just stumbled upon this! ZG, I did not know you played KO?
I don't. I met a gal named Angie when I first entered the federal halfway house in downtown Vegas upon release from Club Fed - she was learning HO-1 - I came up with this KO-composite for her! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I don't. I met a gal named Angie when I first entered the federal halfway house in downtown Vegas upon release from Club Fed - she was learning HO-1 - I came up with this KO-composite for her! zg
Ziggy-I think I took a stab at HO-1 or maybe it was II back around 1990 when I was a young pup. I found the multilevel count and lack of rounded indexes took the fun out of playing. After a long hiatus, I took a work trip to Biloxi last year where I played just Basic Strat. Got up a couple hundred then gave it back during the week. I resolved that I would not play again until I resumed counting.

I stumbled upon KO and I really like it. I know its not held in the highest regard by the elite counters, but it sure is easy, seems to be working, and I found I can easily do it while enjoying the game and socializing at the table.

Now I am looking at ways to refine the system to squeeze out maximum bang for the buck. If I can get 0.10 EV here and there with some customization that is not too taxing I am all for it. I don't think the full system is worth knowing, but additional indices within a reasonable range are.

I assume that you simmed this somehow to come up with these results?

I had not thought of combining the 1D and 2D strategies. I use two different customized versions for each. They are not a whole lot different, so perhaps the additional EV is not worth the extra effort.

I'll be examining (that is my day job anyway) your indices carefully and take you up on those recommendations for improvement if I see any. Only a year late on that, LOL. I'm all for rounded indices like you mentioned in the ZG interview.

I appreciate your dedication to the game and look forward to bouncing some more ideas off you if you don't mind.


Knox said:
I assume that you simmed this somehow to come up with these results?

I had not thought of combining the 1D and 2D strategies. I use two different customized versions for each. They are not a whole lot different, so perhaps the additional EV is not worth the extra effort.
Nope, no sim - just eyeball-rounding straight out of the book. zg


Well-Known Member
OK, but there is nothing to eyeball fin the book or some of those indices, like 10 splitting and soft doubling.


Well-Known Member
I don't have your knowledge of other systems to carry across the analogies. Once I get a little more study time, I'll hit you up for some more tidbits. Perhaps we can develop a new system superior to the book KO, although I have already done that to some extent.

I'll be getting a sim program in the future, hopefully one that can give me the EV for bringing in things like soft doubling indices and of course 10 splitting. I think such a thing exists, but I have not had a chance to even really "window shop" the available sim programs. Plus I don't have my personal hard drive set up on my work laptop yet, but will soon.


Well-Known Member
A new superior system for KO has already been discussed here. Look for Mimosine's Excel spreadsheet. It shows how to modify your bet ramp and wong-in points based on how many decks have been played. The standard KO system misses opportunities with 3 or less decks played.


Knox said:
I'll be getting a sim program in the future, hopefully one that can give me the EV for bringing in things like soft doubling indices and of course 10 splitting. I think such a thing exists, but I have not had a chance to even really "window shop" the available sim programs.
I only included the important softDs and the 10s. I'll stand behind them. 46 indices, and you still need about 5 LS#s and you'll need some variables for s17 vs h17, which brings it almost to the 'Grifter-60'. zg


Well-Known Member
looks fairly solid....

though for 10's shouldn't the count be +5 vs 6 and +6 vs. 5. i know you have them rounded to +4. for me, i just know that TT v 5 or 6 should come just a tad higher than the pivot, i.e. at +5.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
looks fairly solid....

though for 10's shouldn't the count be +5 vs 6 and +6 vs. 5. i know you have them rounded to +4. for me, i just know that TT v 5 or 6 should come just a tad higher than the pivot, i.e. at +5.
With KO split 10's anytime you are 3 above the pivot against the 5 or 6.