Blackjack Play like the Pros


Well-Known Member
I came across a book called "Blackjack Play like the Pros". I'm not talking about "Play Blackjack like the Pros" by Kevin Blackwood but this other book with a similar title by some guy named John Bukofsky. I found it at my local library and it is actually a decent book as I scaned over it. It is appropriate for the new or novice counter mainly because he talks about bet sizing or optimal betting which few other books cover. He's got an excellent chapter on negative swings explaining what to expect on the down side and emphasizes how long losing streaks can last which every new counter could benefit from reading. If you are an experienced player there is nothing new in there for you which you haven't heard already. Anybody know the author or anything about him, I've never heard of him before, he is from the Jersey area?

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
I own a copy of the book. I've never met or spoken with the author. The book gives solid (no voodoo) advice but he does push a level 3 count system which is probably not the best choice. I wouldn't buy this book as my be all end all book to learn counting from and there are much better books out there but it is a decent book with mostly decent advice.