Parx attempts to not suck as bad!!Plop gets cursed at!


Well-Known Member
Parx always has left a bad taste in my mouth when I leave. Granted this may be because my roll is only 15k and even a young spry chicken like myself can grow weary of backcounting the 25 min 6 deckers. What really pisses me off is the covered discard tray. Well my friends, this is no more!! Now- I use an unbalanced count- but it is just so refreshing when wonging and just leaves them so much

They also have lightened up on the minimums. There were alot of 15 minimums open right up till 9 or ten when the greedy bastards uped them all. In my experience recently they were all $25 in the day and night with maybe a 15 here or there.

The biggest problem now is the cards themselves. This small print kills me. At Harrahs chester they have the cards with the HUGE print. I love that.I can identify a card instantly from 15 feet away in a flash while ogling the jub-jubs of a passing waitress simultaneously.

More realistically the penetration is of concern as they use a slot on the shoe to ensure a mediocre cutoff. However I was playing a dealer who was cutting very deep regardless by manipulating the cards somehow to cut deeper. This made me happy.

I was there 7 hours and won $1090. A decent score for me.

However I had anger problems again. I understand controlling emotions is a large part of successful AP but they're just so annoying.

Problem is when i jump in the dealer starts slamming 20 and blackjack down in front of herself more often then not. This means I am doing my job but the plops don't like it. Muttering and mean stares are the norm and I deal.

But this guy is standing on first base chewin my ear off and he's got this vein, this godamned vein poppin out on his neck.

"ever since you came we lose. You SCREWED the cards up!! Blah blah blah"

I state calmly-"if you are losing , it is because you suck, not because of me"

Plop lies- "I've been here all day winning and you come f%$# it up"

Anger at pulsating vein is too much to contain-

"what you need to do is go ahead and F#$% off then"

Plop pulls his bet back convinced he will lose if he bets. Dealer shows an ace. Dealer flips a blackjack.

"YOU!- YOU did it to me- you ****ed up the cards!" I shout not really upset at the outcome of the min bet but really trying to get under this guys skin. Pit boss was busy but I noticed she shot me a glance now.

He stares at the blackjack and turns red, perplexed that he had done this and truly infuriated. The cut card had come out mercifully. I was laughing out loud as this was genuinly funny to me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the covered tray does have its opportunities as you suggest. They might feel a little overconfident about this security measure.

As far as ploppies go, oh well, you might want to bring deadlyWizard along with you next time ;)


Well-Known Member
Bad wording on my part. They still cover the shoe but no longer do the cards dissapear into the tables butt crack. They are piled up in a discard rack nice n proper.


Well-Known Member
Theres a lot of angry plops at the PA casinos, My worst argument at parx, I asked a guy not to play untill the end of the shoe, then I entered midshoe the next game and he was like WTF man!?!!? Then I countered him with ploppy logic stating that aI was at the table first and I could come and go as I pleased, and also that I had been playuing like that all night so its his fault for not noticing it. This was one fo the few ties I felt I was actually being an asshole and manipulating the players around me solely for my benefit, which I really dont feel to bad about.

I havnt been in a while, but I like it before wqhen thye were hidden, I think you could play there all day, no problem. How could they possibly tell if your only betting the end of the shoe if EVEN THE CASINO cant tell how far in a shoe is dealt.


Active Member
Thanks for the laugh.

...I state calmly-"if you are losing , it is because you suck, not because of me"...
Busted out laughing when I read this. Thanks for the laugh. :grin:

How often have I/we thought of saying something like this straight and forward, but never have. :toast:


Active Member
Ferretnparrot said:
... I asked a guy not to play untill the end of the shoe,...
So that was you. I've was floating around backcounting all day and was finally ready to jump in a hot shoe, but after your request, didn't want to make a scene so waited. :mad:

Seriously though, if I was backcounting and finally had the chance to jump in, then someone on the table had asked for me to wait until the end. I think I'd have to say sorry and continue placing my bet.

Have had people ask when entering the table sometimes if it was ok to enter, and I've always replied no problem. Don't recall if the count happened to be good, but regardless, don't think I'd ever request someone to wait. I guess no harm in doing so, since the person had asked and the count warrants keeping those cards for myself.


Well-Known Member
Parx always has left a bad taste in my mouth when I leave. Granted this may be because my roll is only 15k and even a young spry chicken like myself can grow weary of backcounting the 25 min 6 deckers. What really pisses me off is the covered discard tray.
Go through similar threads, someone had an idea how to counter the covered discard tray.

The biggest problem now is the cards themselves. This small print kills me. At Harrahs chester they have the cards with the HUGE print. I love that.I can identify a card instantly from 15 feet away in a flash while ogling the jub-jubs of a passing waitress simultaneously.
I cannot believe that you can HC in a shoe game. What's the point of having to identify a card 15 feet away?

I was using Unbalanced counts, but somehow I kind of felt less confident on the power of it. You need deck estimation for Advanced Red Seven. I have switched to Hi-Lo now.


Well-Known Member
Bad wording on my part. They still cover the shoe but no longer do the cards dissapear into the tables butt crack. They are piled up in a discard rack nice n proper.
I am not surprised at this move at all. Although I did read through the Pa table game regualations last summer when table games opened, (long) I don't remember any specifics against hidden discard trays, but the intent of the discard tray is to preserve the integrety and fairness of the game by having the cards in view of the player. When you take the cards out of view you remove that sense of fairness and open up the possibility of cheating.

I haven't encountered preshuffled cards to my knowledge, but there has been talk of it at this site and I have similar thoughts concerning that. If I opened a game where they did not spread the cards out for all to see, and just opened a box of preshuffled cards, I would not feel very comfortable. Probably any sort of substaintial loss, even something that would fall in the mild range of standard deviation, would have me thinking the worse and permanately retreating from such a game. But that's just me. The masses have proven they will play almost anything. :sad:


bjcardcounter said:
Go through similar threads, someone had an idea how to counter the covered discard tray.

I cannot believe that you can HC in a shoe game. What's the point of having to identify a card 15 feet away?

I was using Unbalanced counts, but somehow I kind of felt less confident on the power of it. You need deck estimation for Advanced Red Seven. I have switched to Hi-Lo now.
Identifying a card far away is how some back count. You need a deck estimate for HILO. Try having a running count of aces and ten value cards, a separate running count of 2 thru 5 and a third of 7 thru 9. Use HILO indices with your RC = RCof2thru5 - RCofTandA and the number of decks in the shoe = total number of decks - (sum of your 3 RCs)/52. Memorizing some values for the sum that you are comfortable using in your TC conversion division would eliminate the intimidating divide by 52 aspect of the suggestion(2.5 decks is 130 cards, 3 decks is 156 cards etc). The added info on the on the 7,8 and 9 would be very useful for certain hand match ups. With enough practice you would be winning more in the covered discard tray than you ever did elsewhere. Employing this added info in a non covered tray would make HILO have a competitive PE.

Relative values of these counts would give a quick feel for the true composition of the shoe.
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The discard pit in the table was the brain-child of one of the Parx VP's. She was fired (cintract not renewed) and the discard pit was also fired. This info is from the dealers and pit staff


Well-Known Member
junior_counter said:
Seriously though, if I was backcounting and finally had the chance to jump in, then someone on the table had asked for me to wait until the end. I think I'd have to say sorry and continue placing my bet.
At the bash, I was playing at a table with like 3 ploppies. Count had gotten good, and just as it did my partner comes over. He sees I've got my TC +3 bet out and puts a couple greens in the circle. The other people at the table ask if he could wait. "Nah, this is the first seat I've found in a while and I'd really like to play".

The ploppies berate my partner, call him an asshole, etc... and leave the table. So perfect.


Active Member
rrwoods said:
...The ploppies berate my partner, call him an asshole, etc... and leave the table. So perfect.
Can't beat that. Triple bonus. He got the plops annoyed, plus got them to leave and out of your faces w/ what sounds like little effort, plus left all those good cards for you and your partner to take. Nice!

P.S. to original poster, BUZZARD. I failed to mention in an earlier reply regarding your entertaining experience at PARX, thanks for the update w/ the discard tray. Was wondering how long it would take until people felt they were being cheated as those cards disappeared out of sight and into the table.

jerseyjon said:
The discard pit in the table was the brain-child of one of the Parx VP's. She was fired (cintract not renewed) and the discard pit was also fired. This info is from the dealers and pit staff
At least someone woke up over there and made corrections. Good to hear they canned those “genius” business higher-ups.


Well-Known Member
So its definite, Parx no longer has a discard tray? I feel ambivalent about this :)

And lmao at the genius exec who got fired for the discard tray, if true. Wonder who's pants she got into to get to be VP.
Gamblor said:
So its definite, Parx no longer has a discard tray? I feel ambivalent about this :)

And lmao at the genius exec who got fired for the discard tray, if true. Wonder who's pants she got into to get to be VP.
The Ladder of Success for women has its rungs on the outside, and thus can only be climbed with one's legs open.

Seriously, it's just as likely she could have been a quota-filler, and was elevated to this position fully devoid of qualifications. Kind of a dumb idea to make all of your BJ tables look different than the BJ tables in every other casino. Some novelty games and tables are worthwhile but most people will seek out the familiar.