Well-Known Member
What are the surrender indices?
Yes, I would definitely begin my ramp at -1 RC. If it comes only 1.25 decks into the shoe (about as soon as you'll see it), the TC is +1.8. If it comes 4.5 decks into the shoe, the TC is +1.3. You'll never be far off the desired +1.5 TC.winnawinna said:What are the surrender indices?
So I understand that adjusting for R7 would put surrendering 16 v X at RC 0, but would that mean 15 x X and 16 v 9 would be at RC +12 when adjusted? Or has the -9 you have listed above already been adjusted?Renzey said:Surrender: (adapted from page 158 of Bluebook II)
14 vs. 10 @ +4
15 vs. 9 @ zero
15 vs. 10 @ -9
15 vs. A @ -2 (@-9 w/ H17)
16 vs. 9 @ -9
16 vs. 10 @ -21
16 vs. A @ -16 (@ -26 w/H17)
8/8 vs. 10 @ -1
For H17 Only:
17 vs. A @ -2 or worse
8/8 vs. A @ -9
The counts are already adjusted to R7.Homeschool said:So I understand that adjusting for R7 would put surrendering 16 v X at RC 0, but would that mean 15 x X and 16 v 9 would be at RC +12 when adjusted? Or has the -9 you have listed above already been adjusted?
Fred, in a DD game, starting at -4, would you also begin ramping up at -1?Renzey said:Yes, I would definitely begin my ramp at -1 RC.
Yes, you would. Follow along and see why.Shoofly said:Fred, in a DD game, starting at -4, would you also begin ramping up at -1?
Remember that if your six deck IRC is -12, then your eight deck IRC should be -16. With that, all works just about the same -- except for very early in the 8 deck shoe. There, if you get a -2 RC only two decks into it, you've got a +1.6 TC and can bet 2 or 3 units. On those rare occasions when you get a -3 RC after only 1.5 decks have been dealt, you've got a +1.5 TC and can bet 2 or 3 units.winnawinna said:Renzey, how much do the counts change when using an 8 deck shoe?
It's not that it's "contrary" to Arnold's advice, it's just that playing by the RC throughout the shoe is accurate enough -- in the range of multi-unit bets and positive index plays. Arnold's approach of either simply ignoring many index plays in the early part of the shoe, or having slightly different strike numbers for them early on is pretty good too.zengrifter said:So despite the imbalanced nature, and contrary to some of Snyder's R7 advice, you may
bet and play to the RC throughout the shoe, not just the second half, it would appear. zg
I'm speaking of games that do NOT allow surrender.winnawinna said:Renzey but with 16 vs 10, dont you surrender to RCs of <-17?