Princess Casino in Belize City


Staff member
Just wanted to note the conditions at the Princess Casino in Belize City:

There were 4 blackjack tables, with 3 in use during my visit. All were 6 decks, with about 2 decks cutoff. Posted table limits were in American dollars, $5 to ??, $10 to $200, and $25 to $500.

The games were all ENHC, S17, DA2, DAS, no surrender.

The shuffle was a one-pass zone-style shuffle.

If you buy-in with US currency, be sure they give you a Currency Exchange slip, else they'll hassle you at the cashier when trying to collect in US currency.


Well-Known Member
Belize next month

I'll be in Belize next month (December 2007). Is it worth looking for the casino or should I just stick to the casino at sea?


Staff member
If you like the adventure of heading to a new casino on foreign shores, it's a reasonable way to spend a few hours. But, as described, the games are pretty tough.


Well-Known Member
Never been

I've never been to a casino on foreign soil. Are you familiar with the cruise terminal there? How far is it from there? Long drive or walk? I've been to Belize about four times, but have never been to their casino. If it is nearby I might consider it. If not I'll just pass.


Staff member
Sorry, not familiar with the cruise terminal in Belize City. However, based on my recollection of the location of the casino, I am almost sure you would need a cab to get there.

Dog Hand

Well-Known Member
Princess Casino

rdorange said:
I've never been to a casino on foreign soil. Are you familiar with the cruise terminal there? How far is it from there? Long drive or walk? I've been to Belize about four times, but have never been to their casino. If it is nearby I might consider it. If not I'll just pass.

I and some friends took a taxi from the cruise terminal: the drive took about 10 minutes, and cost the four of us a total of $20 U.S. each way.

One warning: before we entered the casino, we had to pass through a metal detector. Our cameras set off the detector. The security guards said we could not enter the casino with cameras. We left them with the guards, who provided us a receipt. We had no trouble getting the cameras back when we left, but then again, they were pretty cheap cameras!

Dog Hand


Well-Known Member

I leave in about 4 or 5 hours. I will be in Belize on Thursday. I may not be back on line until the end of the week. Thanks for the heads up. We always have our cams with us. Typical tourist!