info about online casino with live dealers


Hi guys, I'm new to the forum, it's a pleasure for me :)
as I'm not english, I hope you'll understand my question:
I'd like to know if you can make card counting effective in online casino with live dealers and so with real shuffle not RNG...
I'm a bit discouraged because the 2 main problems in my opinion are the re-shuffle (approximately 4 decks left, if you play with 8) and the cut cards which is used to reshuffle the decks...
so I'm not sure if it's still profitable to count the cards in this situation, let me know your opinion

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
The cards are also dealt very slowly. You can get a decent advantage in this game, but you probably won't be able to make much money because it is so slow.



yes cards are dealt slowly, but how can I get an advantage by counting it if the dealers reshuffle at the half of the 8 decks?? I play at

sorry for my english and thx for the reply


can you please tell me what do you intend by saying "a decent advantage"? I don't care about the slowness of the game, my intention is only to make some little money, but with a good % of certitude... because I'm simply a student and I will be very happy even if I would earn $10-20 per day playing blackjack online with live dealers... but still don't know what I've to do

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Well-Known Member
qwertyy said:
can you please tell me what do you intend by saying "a decent advantage"? I don't care about the slowness of the game, my intention is only to make some little money, but with a good % of certitude... because I'm simply a student and I will be very happy even if I would earn $10-20 per day playing blackjack online with live dealers... but still don't know what I've to do

idk how much certainty you want, but there isn't much, especially with the game you are considering. I expect your game may take at least 30k hands to reach N0. If you are playing around 40 hands/hr, it will still take 750 hours of play to have a 85% chance of coming out ahead. It will take even longer depending on speed and your N0, which I expect to be worse than this estimation.


ok thanks for the input I appreaciated it, because it's important to know what is the reality... :)
apart from that, what do you think about online blackjack with live dealers? it's only a waste of time and money or not? because I found a way to get always connected to the game even if I'm not betting, but not sure if counting would help me because of the "cut cards" and the penetration at about 50% (not sure about the exact %, I play sometimes at

thx for the reply


Well-Known Member
Regardless of where the game is played, or how slowly, you will never be playing at an advantage with an 8 deck shoe that is reshuffled after 50% of the cards are dealt out. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
UK-21 said:
Regardless of where the game is played, or how slowly, you will never be playing at an advantage with an 8 deck shoe that is reshuffled after 50% of the cards are dealt out. Sorry.
That's not quite true, it's still beatable with sufficient spread.

But it's still just a waste of time, too risky, and not profitable enough to bother with.


Well-Known Member
qwertyy said:
ok I understand...
and there isn't an online casino with live dealers with an higher penetration?
Im sure there are plenty of websites where you can find live penetration as deep as you like.


Well-Known Member
You can try BetPhoenix.
They are 8 deck, and deal to about 65% to 70% depending on who places the cut card.

Most of the live games I saw were "Basic Strategy only", e.g. they hit and stand for you. BetPhoenix lets you decide. You can also play their free game to get a feel for it (it is the same as the live money game). Rules from what I see are: S17, DOA, Split once, (I don't remember if you can double after split), no RSA. They also allow US players for the time being; they are a sportsbook and really cater to Asian players (high limit Baccarat).