Hello everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself, share my story over the last 60 days and possibly get some feedback and advice.
It all started because a friend has been counting for years and has won a substantial amount. He uses the Hi-Lo count so that's what I decided to learn. I practiced for several hours every day and after a week I was fairly proficient. I could count a full deck in 35 to 40 seconds. I also have the iPhone app "21 Pro" which I feel is an amazing training aid when first learning to count. It keeps the count for you so you get instant feedback when you make an error. I continued practicing counting down a full deck and playing 21 Pro several hours a day for 2 weeks before I decided to purchase the book Color of Blackjack. After reading the book I decided this was the strategy for me. After dissecting the book piece by piece and practicing the unbalanced count for 2 weeks I was feeling pretty confident in my ability. At this point I'm counting a full deck in 25 to 27 seconds with zero mistakes, I'm playing 21 Pro with a 6 deck shoe and rarely making any counting or betting errors, and I've memorized basic strategy. I'm as ready as I can be with zero real world experience so I head out.
The following are the table rules where I play along with dates, amount won/lost, and time played at casinos.
I've calculated the house edge is -.56% based on the following rules.
baseline -.02% (SD,DD any first 2 cards,1 card split Aces,dealer stands on S17,no surrender)
6 decks -.53%
Dealer hits on S17 -.20%
Resplit Aces +.06%
Double after split +.13%
Play History:
8/25 Casino #1 +$580 1 hour
8/26 Casino #2 +$255 1 hour
8/26 Casino #1 -$45 half hour
8/27 Casino #3 -$240 2 hours
8/27 Casino #2 +$200 2 hours
8/28 Casino #1 -$125 1.5 hours
8/28 Casino #2 +$50 2 hours
8/28 Casino #4 -$230 3 hours
8/28 Casino #3 +$200 2 hours
8/29 Casino #1 +$70 2 hours
8/31 Casino #1 -$700 half hour
9/4 Casino #1 +$310 1 hour
9/4 Casino #2 -$625 2 hours
9/4 Casino #4 -$235 2.5 hours
9/4 Casino #3 -$400 1.5 hours
9/5 Casino #5 +$100 half hour
9/5 Casino #2 -$150 2 hours
9/5 Casino #1 -$1830 4 hours
9/7 Casino #2 -$450 2 hours
Grand total -$3265
My assessment so far. Obviously I loved it when I first started. I was doing well right out the gate then went back and forth as I expected. I also expected some losses but 9/4 and especially 9/5 were very difficult. 9/7 didn't help either.
I ain't gonna lie. That is a confidence shaker. I'm following the Color of Blackjack book perfectly according to my playing partner who has read the book as well. The big loss of $1830 on 9/5 was especially rough. I lost about 80% of my big bets when the count was in the "hot" according to the book. I sat at the same table all 4 hours and the count repeatedly, shoe after shoe, hit 29 to 42. I believed in the math and just kept pulling money out of my pocket, firing away, and watching it disappear. I've concluded that even though I lost $1830 I acted correctly because the goal of counting is to find the "hot" shoe. If it kept finding me why would I leave? Obviously, hindsight tells me I should have left.
As a side note, the majority of the $1830 loss were in the last 2 hours when I was playing heads up with the dealer. I think 1 mistake I made was not spreading to 2 hands in those last 2 hours when the count was great. Thoughts?
I have several questions for the group. They are as follows:
1) When do you decide to leave a casino? I've been trying to just hit and run in under 2 hours. I stayed 4 hours on 9/5 because the counts were so good and I was sure I would eventually get some money back. Was I wrong to stay and keep firing when the counts were so high?
2) My bankroll "was" $5000 but since it's been decimated should I drop my big bet in half or more? "Kelly" says I should.
3) Any suggestions to help get through this horrible stretch?
4) Should I move the "warm" & "hot" lines to help cover the house edge?
5) Should I spread to 2 hands when playing solo and the count reaches the "hot" zone?
6) I'm completely open to feedback both positive and negative. Actually, I would appreciate negative feedback more so that I can improve. Let me have it.
All questions welcomed.
Thank you and I look forward to posting here as much as possible.
It all started because a friend has been counting for years and has won a substantial amount. He uses the Hi-Lo count so that's what I decided to learn. I practiced for several hours every day and after a week I was fairly proficient. I could count a full deck in 35 to 40 seconds. I also have the iPhone app "21 Pro" which I feel is an amazing training aid when first learning to count. It keeps the count for you so you get instant feedback when you make an error. I continued practicing counting down a full deck and playing 21 Pro several hours a day for 2 weeks before I decided to purchase the book Color of Blackjack. After reading the book I decided this was the strategy for me. After dissecting the book piece by piece and practicing the unbalanced count for 2 weeks I was feeling pretty confident in my ability. At this point I'm counting a full deck in 25 to 27 seconds with zero mistakes, I'm playing 21 Pro with a 6 deck shoe and rarely making any counting or betting errors, and I've memorized basic strategy. I'm as ready as I can be with zero real world experience so I head out.
The following are the table rules where I play along with dates, amount won/lost, and time played at casinos.
I've calculated the house edge is -.56% based on the following rules.
baseline -.02% (SD,DD any first 2 cards,1 card split Aces,dealer stands on S17,no surrender)
6 decks -.53%
Dealer hits on S17 -.20%
Resplit Aces +.06%
Double after split +.13%
Play History:
8/25 Casino #1 +$580 1 hour
8/26 Casino #2 +$255 1 hour
8/26 Casino #1 -$45 half hour
8/27 Casino #3 -$240 2 hours
8/27 Casino #2 +$200 2 hours
8/28 Casino #1 -$125 1.5 hours
8/28 Casino #2 +$50 2 hours
8/28 Casino #4 -$230 3 hours
8/28 Casino #3 +$200 2 hours
8/29 Casino #1 +$70 2 hours
8/31 Casino #1 -$700 half hour
9/4 Casino #1 +$310 1 hour
9/4 Casino #2 -$625 2 hours
9/4 Casino #4 -$235 2.5 hours
9/4 Casino #3 -$400 1.5 hours
9/5 Casino #5 +$100 half hour
9/5 Casino #2 -$150 2 hours
9/5 Casino #1 -$1830 4 hours
9/7 Casino #2 -$450 2 hours
Grand total -$3265
My assessment so far. Obviously I loved it when I first started. I was doing well right out the gate then went back and forth as I expected. I also expected some losses but 9/4 and especially 9/5 were very difficult. 9/7 didn't help either.
I have several questions for the group. They are as follows:
1) When do you decide to leave a casino? I've been trying to just hit and run in under 2 hours. I stayed 4 hours on 9/5 because the counts were so good and I was sure I would eventually get some money back. Was I wrong to stay and keep firing when the counts were so high?
2) My bankroll "was" $5000 but since it's been decimated should I drop my big bet in half or more? "Kelly" says I should.
3) Any suggestions to help get through this horrible stretch?
4) Should I move the "warm" & "hot" lines to help cover the house edge?
5) Should I spread to 2 hands when playing solo and the count reaches the "hot" zone?
6) I'm completely open to feedback both positive and negative. Actually, I would appreciate negative feedback more so that I can improve. Let me have it.
Thank you and I look forward to posting here as much as possible.