Counting cards and deck shuffling for online Blackjack


New Member
When playing blackjack online, are there any sites that say when they shuffle the deck? Is counting cards viable at all for online blackjack?


Active Member
Titan243 said:
When playing blackjack online, are there any sites that say when they shuffle the deck? Is counting cards viable at all for online blackjack?
No, "C.C" is not a viable way to earn winnings playing Blackjack online.

YES, Some websites do admit they shuffle the deck! An online casino that I used to play at had a "single deck" Blackjack game and in the rules and reg's they mentioned that they would shuffle the deck after each hand!



Well-Known Member
counting , sequenzing

Titan243 said:
When playing blackjack online, are there any sites that say when they shuffle the deck? Is counting cards viable at all for online blackjack?
Try at Dublinet, Victor Chandler , bet-at home, look for
Live Online Casinos.



Active Member
Elhombre said:
Try at Dublinet, Victor Chandler , bet-at home, look for
Live Online Casinos.

Is this live play via web cam? I recently heard about this

Interesting, have you ever played such a game?


Well-Known Member
rwbbj said:
Is this live play via web cam? I recently heard about this

Interesting, have you ever played such a game?
No not much, because I am no friend of counting, Dublinet I would thrust.

A friend of mine was there in Dublin about 2 years many times at the Fitzgerald Club. And they controlled the casino of- and online by phone.

At VC sequenzing is possible I hit more aces as usual, but I don't thrust them
maybe my paronoia, IMHO in special situations the dealer has to good cards.

Generally if you compare dealers cards with Schlesingers BJA at page 52,
its ok , but what I said in spezial situations they are tricky.

try yourself E.H.


Well-Known Member
rwbbj said:
No, "C.C" is not a viable way to earn winnings playing Blackjack online.

YES, Some websites do admit they shuffle the deck! An online casino that I used to play at had a "single deck" Blackjack game and in the rules and reg's they mentioned that they would shuffle the deck after each hand!

Can't this be somewhat exploited by playing all 6 hands (don't know if it's possible though) and making the last 2-3 hand bets much higher than the first 3-4 hands? So, by the time it's the turn for the last hands, you will pretty much now what cards are left in the single deck and can calculate the optimum play accordingly to gain an advantage.


Well-Known Member
The multi-hand games online are often dealt from shoes, not a single-deck, so depth charging strategies aren't very useful.

Sonny said:
The multi-hand games online are often dealt from shoes, not a single-deck, so depth charging strategies aren't very useful.

Do you have any experience with the webcam casinos? Are they legit?