Wong out?


Well-Known Member
Let's say an AP finds out through simulation that his expected income from CC'ing is about $40/hr. If he plays for an hour and he has won $200 already due to deviation should he quit while he's ahead for the hour since probability says that his money per hour will decrease over time to the expected $40? Sorry if this question is really dumb and obvious, im kinda tired right now after changing time zones.


Well-Known Member
No. You are up $200 and that's it. Your future winning is independent of past wins/losses, your expected to make $40 an hour from now on as usual. Your kind of thinking along the lines of Gambler's Fallacy.

Midnght Cow

The $40/hr average would include that $200-hour.

If your career lasted 1-million hours (with play, bet sizes, table conditions being exactly as you simulated) and averaged $40/hr at the end, you would have experienced $200 hours, $1000 hours, -$1100 hours, $3 hours, -$20 hours and everything else along the way.

As Gamblor said, at least think of that hour as an independent event, or better yet, start compartmentalizing larger segments of time.

Think of the way the the Dow was up or down 400 to 600 points every day last week, but in the end it was down just a little for the week in total. Every day seemed like the best or worst day ever individually, though.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks i get it now. and memphis tigers, i have no idea why i put wonging out. i should have put walking out lol