betting & numbers


Well-Known Member
think Kelly betting can save you?
fooughgettabout it.
better watch who yah make a bet with, never make a bet with certain people.
anyone notice my avatar changed.
yup no canoe, lost it in a bet, almost lost my wife and dog too.

oh yeah enough on betting theory...... here's something on number theory....

$0.50 + $0.50 + $0.50 + $0.50 does not equal $1.00 !
0.5% does not equal 1.0%
what a difference such itty bitty numbers can make. :flame::whip:

thank you for your time
note: in case anyone cares, i'm also changed who i might gonna vote for if i vote, and i'm seriously thinkin bout adding someone to my ignore list

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Naked Kelly

Kelly offers little protection for the money you do have.
50% chance of losing half your bank with Kelly resizing

One of the reasons its advised to not bet full Kelly is because in the real world if may be hard to accurately know ones advantage.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Kelly offers little protection for the money you do have.
50% chance of losing half your bank with Kelly resizing

One of the reasons its advised to not bet full Kelly is because in the real world if may be hard to accurately know ones advantage.
a'int that truth, especially when yer dead wrong, lol.


Well-Known Member
sage, I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds terrible and for that you have my condolences.


Well-Known Member
NAP said:
sage, I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds terrible and for that you have my condolences.
i appreciate that, and now must apologize for the post, as it was a good deal tongue in cheek, inside joke sorta stuff. ie. nuthing really tragic happened, i just made a bad bet was all and i was 'sure' i had a sure thing. boy, was i wrong, lol.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i appreciate that, and now must apologize for the post, as it was a good deal tongue in cheek, inside joke sorta stuff. ie. nuthing really tragic happened, i just made a bad bet was all and i was 'sure' i had a sure thing. boy, was i wrong, lol.
I hope you didn't lose the brass ring! :eek:


Well-Known Member
NAP said:
I hope you didn't lose the brass ring! :eek:
noooo, nooo, that's all fine, lol.
again sorry bout the post and appreciate the thought.....
my bad, humor on the internet, like kids and animals, ruins a good act, shouldn't of tried it.
sorry Ken, sorry everyone. :joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You are not a frog anymore - you are an angry gecko... but you are still a cold-blooded reptilian. zg
there yah go, even my silly OP can lead to something of value.
errhhh yah, the predatory nature inherent in advantage ....... theory, there yah go.
now, far as that morphing stuff, goes, good chamo ehhh, anything further and we'd have to go to voodoo........ zenzone, not!!! at least not yet!
maybe after this post, though????? :eek::yikes::yikes:


Well-Known Member
Go ahead, make my day!

sagefr0g said:
think Kelly betting can save you?
fooughgettabout it.
better watch who yah make a bet with, never make a bet with certain people.
anyone notice my avatar changed.
yup no canoe, lost it in a bet, almost lost my wife and dog too.

oh yeah enough on betting theory...... here's something on number theory....

$0.50 + $0.50 + $0.50 + $0.50 does not equal $1.00 !
0.5% does not equal 1.0%
what a difference such itty bitty numbers can make. :flame::whip:

thank you for your time
note: in case anyone cares, i'm also changed who i might gonna vote for if i vote, and i'm seriously thinkin bout adding someone to my ignore list
I got news for you:

$0.50 = $1.00 all by itself and

0.5% of 1.0% = 2%.

Also, you can watch movies instantly on your computer with Netflix!

Okay ,Sage, push the button, but first, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?

View attachment 8155 "I's gots to know."



Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I got news for you:

$0.50 = $1.00 all by itself and

0.5% of 1.0% = 2%.

Also, you can watch movies instantly on your computer with Netflix!

Okay ,Sage, push the button, but first, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?

View attachment 8155 "I's gots to know."
well, i was feeling lucky when i made the bet, where i lost my canoe, i mean crap, hell i'd just had a royal flush the nite before an other good stuff happened too.
well, anyway, i don't feel so all alone cause, yer math above, it looks about as good as mine.:laugh:
but yeah, movies, maybe i should just stay home and watch movies, lemme see here :

...... after watchin that, i don't wanna feel lucky.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
well, i was feeling lucky when i made the bet, where i lost my canoe, i mean crap, hell i'd just had a royal flush the nite before an other good stuff happened too.
well, anyway, i don't feel so all alone cause, yer math above, it looks about as good as mine.:laugh:
but yeah, movies, maybe i should just stay home and watch movies, lemme see here :

...... after watchin that, i don't wanna feel lucky.:rolleyes:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Kelly can be very damaging to ones bank in the short run. Kelly is about many plays, the long run!:whip:
This Kelly,,,,,,

What's she look like? She sounds like a fickle bitch to me.:)
Wonder if she would fit in my new canoe with me? :)



Machinist said:
This Kelly,,,,,,

What's she look like? She sounds like a fickle bitch to me.:)
Wonder if she would fit in my new canoe with me? :)

So your the one that won the frog's canoe.


Machinist said:
This Kelly,,,,,,

What's she look like? She sounds like a fickle bitch to me.:)
Wonder if she would fit in my new canoe with me? :)

So your the one that won the frog's canoe. He looks pissed about it.


Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
This Kelly,,,,,,

What's she look like? She sounds like a fickle bitch to me.:)
Wonder if she would fit in my new canoe with me? :)

no she friggin won't, it a solo canoe, dammitt.:flame::whip:
ggrrrrrr grrrrrrrr:flame::whip:
So your the one that won the frog's canoe.He looks pissed about it.
errhh, psstt tthree, is Kelly a girl?
hhmmm, maybe time to make anuther bet?:cool2::eyepatch::rolleyes: