Pullman, WA here...
Not much going on in my area, the local bowling alley "Zeppos" got rid of their golf simulator about a year ago and added a "casino." It's a real dump, way too small and cramped, a real joke. However, they must be doing well because they are now expanding the whole facility, and the new casino should be open within 2 months.
Nearby Clarkston, WA has a bowling alley/casino deal too, it was just bought out by the owners of Zeppos.
Even though there is a larger casino nearby in Lewiston Idaho (Clearwaer River Casino, Indian) Idaho law apparently prohibits table gaming, so it's all slots. Bleah.
Spokane apparently has some decent joints, but I need to build up my bankroll before I go there. I was doing pretty well until I memorized and started playing "The Book." Go figure.
Well, at least there is somewhere locally I can play. Better than some, worse than most. Go cougs!