The “casino virgin” routine can work pretty well, but only a few times in a particular casino. You can stand behind the tables and act as though you are amazed by the game. If the dealer asks you if you want to play you can say “Not yet, I’m still getting the hang of it” or “No, it’s cheaper just to watch.” That way if the shoe turns positive you can jump in with “I think I’ve got it now. Let’s give it a try.”
Standing at another game nearby (like craps or 3-card poker) can also give you a chance to watch the blackjack action from a distance without looking obvious. Be sure to look up at the ceiling as well. Sometimes casinos have mirrors on the ceiling so that you can actually watch a game on the other side of the pit. You’ve got your own eye-in-the-sky!
Another good one is what I call the “moving TARGET” player. You walk around the casino very slowly. This may allow you to count 1-2 rounds before reaching a table. You don’t even need to stop to watch if you have good eyesight because you have already counted the shoe as you approached it. If the count is highly negative then start watching the next table down the line, otherwise you can ask the players some sort of stupid question (mention something about “hot” tables, “cold” dealers, “biased” shoes, or some other nonsense) until you are ready to play. That way you look like a typical Patrick/Patterson player, which the casinos love! :gaga: As you Wong out of a negative deck mention something about a “switchback” you missed in “Phase 2.” As much as I hate to say it, you might want to read a Patrick/Patterson book just to learn the inane lingo and irrational mindset of a “system“ player. The pit won't mind you walking around staring at the tables if they think you're looking for full ashtrays. :laugh:
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend with you then you can pull off the “this is so romantic” routine. Just stand really close to each other while holding hands. Occasionally whisper something in his/her ear. This works great if your partner can also count cards because you can look over each other’s shoulder and whisper “I’m at -3, how about the table behind me?” Even if your partner doesn’t count they will still appreciate the extra attention.
There are plenty of other backcounting tricks, but I’ll leave those up to your imagination.