VERY IMPORTANT! Especially for Beginners!


Well-Known Member
Do you want to become successful card counter?
Do you want to make any money having fun?

Better read this.

I would really like everybody to read this because it is very important for future of blackjack, actually future of card counting, shuffle tracking, and ace location. The reason I write this is that a lot of players, and even experienced ones play games in which they have no chance of winning. They play just to play. That is good for casinos because they will complitelly swith to new rules that are unbeatable, and we can say buy to card counting.

Blackjack is the only beatable game in casino.
Blackjack becomes unbeatable if you play games:

that use automatic shufflers, CSM (CONTINUOUS SHUFFLING MACHINES), games with retarded rules ( bj pays 6:5, bj pays 1:1.......)


Well as we all know casinos are money making establishments. They basically sell us possibility to get lucky and win! That's how they make money! We do not get luck most of the time because casino has an edge!

There is only one game where players can GET an edge, and that is blackjack.
We do not have an edge all the time in blackjack. It depends on cards played. When most of the low cards are played we have an edge, when big cards are played ( Tens, and aces), house has an edge. In order to know when we have an edge we have to use technique called card counting. We can also use some advanced techniques like shuffle tracking, and Ace Location, to get an even bigger edge!
All these techniques WILL NOT work if you play games in which cards are shuffled by machine ESPECCIALY CSM. Again why?

When casino use automatic shufflers, cards are so randomize that you can not apply shuffle track, and Ace Location at all. Card Counting will still work but WILL HARDLY give you an edge, because of random order of cards. That will create dead even game, that you can only beat with huge spread (that will get you kicked out first time you try to use it).
CSM are just unbeatable. NOTHING WORKS WITH THEM!!!!!!!
They shuffle after each round completely killing any strategy. You will never have an edge!

Secon. Rules like blackjack pays 6:5 and 1:1 will give house edge that will be hardlly beatable by card counting, because advantages situations for players would be very rare, and than again you would have to use huge bet spread in order to beat that game ( again huge spread gets you kicked out of casino, because is dead giveaway that you are card counter). Even if you succseed to stay in casino long enough making that huge bet spread ( ONLY IN THEORY) your profit from that game would be so small , that you would probably find flipping burgers in Burger King better profession! Ken Smith wrote an excellent article why you shouldn't play 6:5 rule!
By the way 1:1 rule for blackjack will just slaughter you like pig!
And still I can not understand people going to "Rio" to play 6:5 rule just because dealer is young girl with plastic t...! Well for those players I just have one recommendation: Las Vegas has plenty of h...., that they even get to touch and feel, and it will be lot less expensive!

In order to become successful blackjack player, card counter, you first need tremendous amount of discipline, and patience. You are not card counter if you do not have these two things. You are not! Do not consider yourself advantageous player ( even if you know every single detail of every single card counting system that there is).

Leave ego at home, and do not think that you know secrets to immortality just because you know how to count cards! You are not able to beat every single game when you know to count cards. Now we come to selectivity. Be very selective! Do not play above mentioned games. If you have discipline not to play those games you will become succesfull blackjack player!

Blackjack is the only beatable game in casino!
Any other game is not!
Blackjack is unbeatable if played with above mentioned rules or if machine shuffles the cards insted of dealer.

I think that this should be enough to wake you up!

Also do not play double exposure blackjack, and spanish blackjack!


NO 6:5
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Well-Known Member
I forgot to say somethig about books too.
I have a lot to say about that.

coming up tomorrow!


Staff member
I agree with almost everything you wrote, and it needed saying. Thanks for the post!

The one disagreement I have is about the automatic shufflers (not the continuous version). I actually like them. They speed up the game, and I've played a lot of hours at tables with shufflers. My win rate is about what one would expect.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what you've got to say, but I side with Ken on this one too in regards to the automatic shufflers. I've made most of my money with autos (if only because that's the only game available) but you are right in saying that large spreads have to be played.


Well-Known Member
auto shuffler are bad

I'll be very stuborn this time :) , and I 'll never change my opinion about auto shufflers!
If something is designed to improve casino income and at the same time kills some of advatage strategies is a bad thing that should be avoided!

Automatic Shufflers completely destroy Shuffle tracking strategies, and ace location. This is enough for me.

Yes card counting works with auto shufflers, but it is bad thing because casino is in control offering us something that is only better for them not for us, because kills two advanced strategies that can give us big edge over the house.

They are not created to speed up game, but to speed up process of players losing money.


Well-Known Member
BJStanko said:
I'll be very stuborn this time :) , and I 'll never change my opinion about auto shufflers!
If something is designed to improve casino income and at the same time kills some of advatage strategies is a bad thing that should be avoided!

Automatic Shufflers completely destroy Shuffle tracking strategies, and ace location. This is enough for me.

Yes card counting works with auto shufflers, but it is bad thing because casino is in control offering us something that is only better for them not for us, because kills two advanced strategies that can give us big edge over the house.

They are not created to speed up game, but to speed up process of players losing money.
True enough I'll grant that tracking and ace location has been spoiled by ASM's. As well...I agree that they are there to speed up the game and the danger of this is to the player lacking discipline and really going on tilt and losing alot of money fast from shoe to shoe.

I've already told casino management that IF they get rid of the ASM (they only have 2) I would stop playing there. I wish I could say the same thing to them in regards to bringing back shuffled shoes. Too much gov't involvement. It's one thing to go up against a casino run by people making a profit versus against gov't who view all the revenue as voluntary taxation.


Staff member
Actually, your comments have made me reconsider, BJStanko. It would be a pity to see the hand shuffles disappear, eliminating any angle of attack other than straight counting (and that would be easy enough to kill as well by only dealing two hands between shuffles.)

Your point is well taken.


Well-Known Member
I am so glad

to hear that Ken!

Anything casinos do to eliminate even part of our edge I see as I treat.


Well-Known Member

Any way you slice it, they will always have the advantage tilted towards them. I like it that way. It gives me incentive to go and try to beat them even more. I will always strive to find and play only the best games available, and I'm fortunate to have good games near by.


Well-Known Member
Any way you slice it, they will always have the advantage, that we can tilt towards US. I like it that way. It gives me incentive to go and try to beat them even more. I will always strive to find and play only the best games available. But with that atitude, "their adventage gives me incentive to go and try to beat them even more", you will not be able to find "good games" any more. That's what I am talking about.

In order to beat blackjack, you have to have an edge, not house, and TRYING to beat them when they have edge will never result in winnings, it will just stay a try to beat them!