Dealers Hole Card Strategy:


Well-Known Member
** 2,2******14**18**10,11********A,7,8
** 2,3******13**18**10,11********A-3,6-9
** 2,4******12**18**9-11**17,18**A-3,6-9
** 2,5*****17**18**10-11********A-3,7,8
** 3,4*****17**18**9-11*********A-3,7,8
** 3,6*****17**19**10,11*********A,8,9
** 2,8*****16**19**11************A,8
** 5,5*****16**19**11************A,
** 3,8*****15**18****************A,
** 5,6*****14**19****************A,
** 4,8*****12**18**8-11**13-19**A-4,6-9
** 6,6*****12**18**8-11**13-20**A-4,6-10


MH=is the players minimum hard standing total
MS=is the players minumum soft standing total

DH=Double hard
DS=Double soft


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Thank you. Should remove all plays that hit hard-17 or higher and consolidate it a bit.
Also, cite source. zg
All plays that require hitting Hard 17 or higher, have been removed! Ill try to get around and consolidate it a little better, as soon as I figure out a convenient and better way:)

Source: BJFB/Bryce Carlson.P180, #of Decks,Rules in play,N/A

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
jack said:
** 2,2******14**18**10,11********A,7,8
** 2,3******13**18**10,11********A-3,6-9
** 2,4******12**18**9-11**17,18**A-3,6-9
** 2,5*****17**18**10-11********A-3,7,8
** 3,4*****17**18**9-11*********A-3,7,8
** 3,6*****17**19**10,11*********A,8,9
** 2,8*****16**19**11************A,8
** 5,5*****16**19**11************A,
** 3,8*****15**18****************A,
** 5,6*****14**19****************A,
** 4,8*****12**18**8-11**13-19**A-4,6-9
** 6,6*****12**18**8-11**13-20**A-4,6-10


MH=is the players minimum hard standing total
MS=is the players minumum soft standing total

DH=Double hard
DS=Double soft
How many decks? What rules? Guessing I'd say single-deck S-17. A few plays look strange:
No soft doubling against a dealer 5 nor doubling of 9...
double 9 vs a 7
double soft 17,18 against a dealer soft 16 seems aggressive but might be ok.


New Member
I disconcur to the removal of H17 or Higher!

You people don't listen do you? It's obvious that if you stay at this
level of mentalism citing that "17" is the way to stay, then I wish to
revoke my membership to this board, because I have stated countless
times to go beyond what you feel is your "limitations." There are times
when you need to go beyond "H17," or even "18." It seems like everyone
likes to refute what I have to say, without even trying to jump into a new
idea or thought. Carry on with your limited ideas without further ado.

And Best Of Luck To You!



Well-Known Member
JStarZid1 said:
You people don't listen do you? It's obvious that if you stay at this
level of mentalism citing that "17" is the way to stay, then I wish to
revoke my membership to this board, because I have stated countless
times to go beyond what you feel is your "limitations." There are times
when you need to go beyond "H17," or even "18." It seems like everyone
likes to refute what I have to say, without even trying to jump into a new
idea or thought. Carry on with your limited ideas without further ado.

And Best Of Luck To You!

Sorry you feel that way Jstar. Maybe we could bring it back by popular demand. I think hitting H17 or H18 would be a little obvious, not to mention greedy. I know you'll read this, whether you post here again or not!
So please re-consider, for this, hardly justifys you revoking your membership over. I actually like some of your Innovative ideas.


Well-Known Member
JStarZid1 said:
It's obvious that if you stay at this level of mentalism citing that "17" is the way to stay, then I wish to revoke my membership to this board, because I have stated countless times to go beyond what you feel is your "limitations."
Unfortunately, one of the limitations of the game is that if you get caught, the game is over. If the casino catches the dealer, the game is dead. Just because an idea is good doesn’t mean it is optimal. You need to think about the big picture.

JStarZid1 said:
There are times when you need to go beyond "H17," or even "18."
Sure, just not in front of a floorman…or even a live dealer who will call it out to the floorman.

JStarZid1 said:
It seems like everyone likes to refute what I have to say, without even trying to jump into a new idea or thought.
Trust me, we aren’t trying to suppress any new ideas. It’s just that some ideas have already been thoroughly considered decades ago. Nobody is arguing that it is technically better to hit a hard 18 vs. 20. That’s obvious. But a smart player will know that the huge risk simply isn’t worth the small reward. I think this has been covered in many BJ books and websites. We’re not trying to stifle your creativity. We’re just trying to make sure that your creativity is tempered with reality.



Well-Known Member
Hole Card + Count

The hole card stategies referred to do not take into account what the TC is - it seems the choice is obvious if you KNOW you already have a losing or winning hand, but there must be cases where knowledge of the count would alter your playing decision to be able to eke out more - for example - in a higher count, wouldn't you to double a 9 against (dealers 2-card) 7 or a 10 against 10?


Well-Known Member
I can see a way to set up hitting of 17 and 18 when holecarding. One way might be to hit 17/18 when the dealer has, say 17, or 11, or 9. You might get lucky and win, but usually you will lose, but in either case you will establish the fact that you are a p--- poor player. You would have to make the inappropriate play more than once to ensure that they don't just figure that you made a mistake regarding the HC flash. If you are mixing your bets, you can easily make up for a few dum dum bets, with some large, lucky hits when it counts. I personally don't like to establish too much that I am a very bad player because I want to mostly play perfect bs, with a few mistakes here and there to establish myself as average. If you go from horrendous to perfect bs, you will surely raise some eyebrows.

Then, I have never had an opportunity to holecard since I am almost always stuck in shoe games on the right coast. Looking forward to it though!


jimmtech said:
The hole card stategies referred to do not take into account what the TC is - it seems the choice is obvious if you KNOW you already have a losing or winning hand, but there must be cases where knowledge of the count would alter your playing decision to be able to eke out more - for example - in a higher count, wouldn't you to double a 9 against (dealers 2-card) 7 or a 10 against 10?
Holecarding is like expert tourny play - counting adds very little to the edge. zg