Well-Known Member
I think this is an important topic because many times while playing low stakes your expected hourly winnings may not be enough to cover travel costs or parking especially if you hop casinos all day and pay multiple parking fees. In this case you may wish to have a comp card to gain extra value in free food and such for your play. When i play i typically get 60% of my hourly winnings as comp dollars in adition to my expected hourly winnings, i think this is awsome so i always have a card where i play, of course never in my real name, so how do you get a card in a fake name without showing id? Thats the question here. (Assuming of course you dont use fake ids cause thats totally illegal)
How do you get a card in a fake name without showing id?
These are my strategies i think we should all post our own.
1. Buy in with a large sum of money upon first sitting down(500-1000) when they ask for your players card say "Oh, I dont have one can i get the little peice of paper to fill out?" while making a guesture with your hands for the peice of paper maybe pointing toward it and making a writing motion with your hand signifiing that you wish to fill one out. This plan works because when they see your money and that you are a big player they want to try and cator to your ever whim to make you happy and its very easy for them to just hand you the paper. When they give you the paper fill it out with a bogus name and bogus address and bogus date of birth, thats all they ever need, they dont even need an address iv done it without and address before.
***IMPORTANT*** remember the date of birth you used as when you goto swipe it on a comp machine it will ask to verify it.
2. When they push you to get a card and you dont want to show ID, or if the above plan fails and they ask for your ID, i typically open my wallet to pull it out and they say oh wait its in my car because i got pulled over on the way here and left it in my glovebox, then go off about the police and how much they suck trying to change the subject.
-I have also considered claiming that my wife/gf is holding my wallet so that i can only lose so much money, and this is why i dont have my id, but im only 21 and peopel probibly wouldnt beleive im married, this may work for some of you though.
3. I not once but TWICE got a card by simply saying "My family hates when i give out our address is there any way i can get a card wiothout giving my address?" Many, many times this was met with a no, but two times i was handed a peice of paper and asked for my name and DOB.
4. When trying to claim comps that require ID, i noticed on credit card application that it had a spot to fill for a addition cardmember with access to your account, I filled out that spot with one of my alliases from the casino town i play in, and sure enough they mailed me a credit card with that name on it, iv never had to present id to claim a comp such as a hotel room, but if i had to i would most likely use some excuse that i didnt have my drivers license and that that credit card should be fine and then point out that i play large amounts of money and this is my fav casino iv been playing here for years etc etc trying to make them want to cator to me.
5. Biggest tip of all, be confident and lay down the law, the casino is there to cator to you, if things arnt going your way or your unsure that they will cooperate start putting your money back in your wallet, start glancing at other games and suggest you want to play them instead, mention another casino(gasp!) and something about an awsome game or even they had and how cool it was. Do this in full view of the floorperson so they think they ned to work to earn your buisness. Im not sayig you have to do all of this each time but i do at least one of these things everytime im confronted and i view them as tools to weasle me out and in of certain situations at key times.
Lastly i know that some people are against obtaining comp cards and i just wnat to say that this post should be used for methods of obtaining them only not why you think they shouldnt be obtained.
How do you get a card in a fake name without showing id?
These are my strategies i think we should all post our own.
1. Buy in with a large sum of money upon first sitting down(500-1000) when they ask for your players card say "Oh, I dont have one can i get the little peice of paper to fill out?" while making a guesture with your hands for the peice of paper maybe pointing toward it and making a writing motion with your hand signifiing that you wish to fill one out. This plan works because when they see your money and that you are a big player they want to try and cator to your ever whim to make you happy and its very easy for them to just hand you the paper. When they give you the paper fill it out with a bogus name and bogus address and bogus date of birth, thats all they ever need, they dont even need an address iv done it without and address before.
***IMPORTANT*** remember the date of birth you used as when you goto swipe it on a comp machine it will ask to verify it.
2. When they push you to get a card and you dont want to show ID, or if the above plan fails and they ask for your ID, i typically open my wallet to pull it out and they say oh wait its in my car because i got pulled over on the way here and left it in my glovebox, then go off about the police and how much they suck trying to change the subject.
-I have also considered claiming that my wife/gf is holding my wallet so that i can only lose so much money, and this is why i dont have my id, but im only 21 and peopel probibly wouldnt beleive im married, this may work for some of you though.
3. I not once but TWICE got a card by simply saying "My family hates when i give out our address is there any way i can get a card wiothout giving my address?" Many, many times this was met with a no, but two times i was handed a peice of paper and asked for my name and DOB.
4. When trying to claim comps that require ID, i noticed on credit card application that it had a spot to fill for a addition cardmember with access to your account, I filled out that spot with one of my alliases from the casino town i play in, and sure enough they mailed me a credit card with that name on it, iv never had to present id to claim a comp such as a hotel room, but if i had to i would most likely use some excuse that i didnt have my drivers license and that that credit card should be fine and then point out that i play large amounts of money and this is my fav casino iv been playing here for years etc etc trying to make them want to cator to me.
5. Biggest tip of all, be confident and lay down the law, the casino is there to cator to you, if things arnt going your way or your unsure that they will cooperate start putting your money back in your wallet, start glancing at other games and suggest you want to play them instead, mention another casino(gasp!) and something about an awsome game or even they had and how cool it was. Do this in full view of the floorperson so they think they ned to work to earn your buisness. Im not sayig you have to do all of this each time but i do at least one of these things everytime im confronted and i view them as tools to weasle me out and in of certain situations at key times.
Lastly i know that some people are against obtaining comp cards and i just wnat to say that this post should be used for methods of obtaining them only not why you think they shouldnt be obtained.
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