k_c's Blackjack Game and Computer Software


Well-Known Member
i was lucky enough to get a copy of k_c's software as a test on my computer which runs Vista.
just thought i'd point out a few of the really neat things about k_c's blackjack game and computer software tdca. doubtless there are other aspects of it that i'm leaving out or just haven't learned about yet.
look at the image below and you'll see what i'm talking about.
just considering when you are in game playing mode it's cool how many things are going on that are not in your face but that you can quickly glance at and instantly glean a wealth of information. as you play at anytime you can glance up in the upper left hand corner and see just how many cards of a given type are left in the pack to be dealt and just how many cards of a given type have been dealt. also at a glance the penetration level is graphicaly represented as you play deeper into the pack. to your upper right you can again at a glance if you so choose see just what IRC, RC or TC you are at for any given point your are at in your play. then along side the dealer's cards before his hole card is revealed you can if you choose glance over and see what probabilities the dealer has for achieving a pat hand or the probability of the dealer busting. then along side your initial two cards dealt you can glance over and see the EV's for the various play actions you might concievably make. then as your playing along making bets you can see just how much what ever bet has lowered your bankroll as you put that bet out. well that's all cool stuff to know but it's even cooler that even though it's all knowable at a glance as you play it's not in your face so to speak as you play but right there available to you at a glance should you decide to take a peek. instant knowledge at your finger tips lol. thats cool.
then too something i just discovered that when not in play mode you can click on the card representations (what ever cards you choose) for the dealer and the player and compute the dealer probabiities for pat hands or busting and the players EV for the various play actions. another thing you can do is by clicking on the plus's and minus's under the various card types is remove those types of cards from the pack and then compute the ev for that composition of the shoe. sort of an EOR sort of thing.
well that's most of what i know about our fellow forum contributer's k_c's software. but i'm probably missing some things still lol. so anyway i thought i'd share my experience with it so far.



Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed the program too. It was helpful for beginners because it shows them why certain basic strategy decisions are correct and how much it costs to play them incorrectly. For any hand they can instantly see the EV for each play and the dealer probabilities. The program is a great way to answer the “Why does BS say to make this play?” questions that many players often have. It can also be used to find out how much a certain cover play will hurt you.

It’s also a great program for advanced players. You can enter any player hand (even multi-card hands), dealer hand, deck composition (or any combination of those) and get the EVs and dealer probabilities for that situation. It can be helpful when studying card steering or hole carding techniques.

I think this program would appeal to a lot of people.



Well-Known Member
k_c said:
I'd like to thank Sonny and sagefr0g for their nice words.:cool: k_c
I love your stuff.

Toggle that black square on and off and you can advertise it as counting software lol.

Then even the Wise One could watch a few hands and see how his fuzzy count is correlating lol.

Keeping track of a flat-bettor's actual unit results and number of hands played
for something to compare to if one varies bets alot might be good. Never seen that anywhere I don't think. Then I could correlate my fuzzy betting to flat-betting lol.

Anyway - it's all good.

If you ever want to test something on a slow computer with an old operating system and little memory - put me on your beta-tester list lol.


New Member
Where to buy cdca

Hi k_c

I really enjoy the cdca on your website. I was hoping to buy it if possible. I've found it on a few shareware sites but none of them would work. I use it for now on your website but I'd rather not have to have web access.




Well-Known Member
aztravelingguy said:
Hi k_c

I really enjoy the cdca on your website. I was hoping to buy it if possible. I've found it on a few shareware sites but none of them would work. I use it for now on your website but I'd rather not have to have web access.


I now have an online version of cdca on my website. I have discontinued the trial/shareware version. I am slowly revising my website a bit but I work full time and have to budget my time.

I may add a downloadable free console version of cdca to the website. I don't know what I'm going to do with the GUI version in the future, if anything.


New Member
I would gladly pay you for it if possible. Heck I'll pay you double, of course I'm not sure how much you were asking for. Everything I found online was 25 but I'd pay more if you wanted. I really think it's one of the best programs I've seen out there.

I could paypal it to you!
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Well-Known Member
aztravelingguy said:
I would gladly pay you for it if possible. Heck I'll pay you double, of course I'm not sure how much you were asking for. Everything I found online was 25 but I'd pay more if you wanted. I really think it's one of the best programs I've seen out there.

I could paypal it to you!
Since you don't have enough posts to use private message, please use the email address on my site to discuss it further.