Recent content by BJ newbie

  1. B

    hello all, new at this stuff.

    Thanks Sonny I have been reading different post here and there is a lot i dont understand. My bro lives about 60 miles away and with work we don't get to hook up to often anymore. I'll ride down to his place this weekend and see what i can pick up from him. i talked to him last night. he...
  2. B

    hello all, new at this stuff.

    Hello Sonny, Went back to the Topaz lake yesterday, My Bro was still there, we came home today wow what a awsume motorcycle ride. my ninja got a workout. I only played for about an hour last night. I have been working on a High low count he told me to write down. I couldn't keep the count...
  3. B

    hello all, new at this stuff.

    Hello dude and dudettes. My brother has been a counter for a couple of years. We live in Sac. and go places with his wife and my girlfriend together this summer. I watched him count down a deck as he calls it at a couple of different casinos. we took a trip with his fishing friends to a...