Recent content by Dealerhastoomany

  1. D

    Looking to join/start a team

    Just wondered if anyone from Ontario Canada would be interested in starting up a team. Must live in the GTA.
  2. D

    Last Night was CRAZY

    It wasn't money I needed for food/house/car, it was part of my bank-roll. I have never sat down and lost my whole earnings. I set myself. If I lose one thrid of my roll I leave. I start betting 25 a hand, then as I get up and the count gets good I go higher depending on the true count.
  3. D

    Last Night was CRAZY

    Was at a casino here in Ontario last night, started playing, in the first hour I was up 2k. I stopped with $2300 in profits, and had a nice comp meal. I was about to leave then I saw a table open ans thought what the hell, I'll play a little more... I know what your thinking, you should have...
  4. D

    Shuffling Machines

    Machines are not so bad... CSM's are not a bad thing if you don't count. In fact I believe for the newbie or Basic Strat player they are an advantage... Why you may ask? Simple... Card Clumping.... There are many dealers out there that just plain suck at sh :cool2: uffling cards... when...
  5. D

    Yes, I'm a jerk

    I Never Tip The casino makes enough money everyday off people like you and me. Why should it be up to us to support the dealers.... The casino should pay them better. As long as people tip the casino will not have to pay as much out... make the dealers get mad at the shitty wages they are...
  6. D

    Casino Luck finally!!!

    Hey all, for all you Canadians out there I would try your luck at Casino Rama if you get a chance. I went to see a concert there the other night and after that was over my wife and I started to burn up a few tables. You can pretty much do what u want there with no heat. We ended up getting a...
  7. D

    How much have you lost?

    Gotta have Nerves of Steel Don't dawn on your losses.... It comes in swings... I lost $6000 in one hand last night lol playin a grand a hand... got 2 eights... split them, got another eight... split the second pair, next card two, doubled down, got a 4. next hand, got a 3 , doubled...
  8. D

    Why are we doing this?

    Its all in time Think of it this way.... overtime, playing basic strat, YOU WILL LOSE. No if or and buts you will lose... might not be the first time or the 5 th time, but even if the casino has a 0.00000001 % advantage they will make money. sooooooo.... if you have the advantage... over...
  9. D

    How much have you won?

    most... least... PLayed many games over the past few years... OVERALL WAY DOWN. why? I use to play Basic Strat only.. no counting.. sometimes I would win some lose... But, over time..... the .4% can do some damage..... I keep track everytime I gamble... right it in a log book... buy inn...
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    Funny Story

    I was at a little charity casino today in Ontario Canada.. (where I live), This place is pretty slezzy.. anyways I go to it because its only 40 mins from my house. Anyways the max bet is only 100 bucks. Well, I was playing one spot and losing so I decided to start playing 2 spots when the guy...
  11. D

    Casey Computer

    dont waste your money hard to use in casinos... not worth the hassle... just learn a simple count system, much more worth while :cool2:
  12. D

    Thanks and dealing with Morons

    Sorry Mike it all came out wrong Hey guys, sorry my last post I wrote Mike when I should have wrote Mr.Bill... I guess i was the moron!!! LOL Anyways I wasn't trying to make a dig or anything guys... I hope it didn't come out that way. I spend a lot of time at casinos.. and time and...
  13. D

    Thanks and dealing with Morons

    Play at a higher table Mike, If your playing at $5, $10 table you will get a lot of so called "morons". Many are just learning... so you can't blow up..... Go to a 25, 50 table.... most people know at least the big mistakes... they may not get all the DD, or scerw up the spliting, but they...