Recent content by dzgroundhog

  1. D

    my first foray into card counting

    $500 is my total bankroll to start mainly because I don't want to risk any more on the chance that I actually suck at counting and make tons of mistakes. I have a day job that pays the bills and gives me a little spending money; poker is where I get money to buy grown-up toys (like trips to...
  2. D

    my first foray into card counting

    I understand ROR and how to ramp my bets now that I've read KO; I didn't know what I was doing last winter. I also understand variance and how thin my edge is... How about I just sum it up like this...Does anybody have any tips or advice for someone playing on a short (100 units) bankroll...
  3. D

    my first foray into card counting

    Tl;dr. I’m at work and bored so I wrote a novel. I’ve been intrigued by card counting ever since I read Bringing Down the House a few years ago. Last winter, I took a week-long trip to Vegas. Leading up to the trip, I got some really basic counting info and spent a little bit of time...