
Mr. E

New Member
Can anyone help explain the difference between CVCX and BJA Pro Betting Software to a complete noob? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Mr. E said:
Can anyone help explain the difference between CVCX and BJA Pro Betting Software to a complete noob? Thanks in advance
Yes. CVCX and other CV products are the number one BJ software in the world. There is no number two!

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Well-Known Member
Mr. E said:
Can anyone help explain the difference between CVCX and BJA Pro Betting Software to a complete noob? Thanks in advance
BJA is a lot more user friendly for what your needs going be and way bigger/active community to help out. CVCX is more advanced. For first timers, I recommend BJA.
A lot of the times they are pretty close, but be aware of the rounds per hour with the BJA Pro Betting Software (PBS). CVCX is more precise with the N-O and will give you more sobering truths. PBS makes everything seem like a winning situation if you don't really understand N-O, but in my opinion if your PBS spread takes more than 150 hrs its no good. This is usually a result of too many people playing at the table with you... CVCX will also provide an optimal spread.

Mr. E

New Member
PocketEights said:
A lot of the times they are pretty close, but be aware of the rounds per hour with the BJA Pro Betting Software (PBS). CVCX is more precise with the N-O and will give you more sobering truths. PBS makes everything seem like a winning situation if you don't really understand N-O, but in my opinion if your PBS spread takes more than 150 hrs its no good. This is usually a result of too many people playing at the table with you... CVCX will also provide an optimal spread.
Could you help explain N-O? I'm pretty new, have basic strategy down, learning the deviations and am interested in learning as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
It's not N-O; it's N0 (N zero), and it's a number that tells you how many hands have to be played until the EV -SD equals 0. That is, the number of hands needed until the expected win overcomes a negative-one standard deviation.

As such, it is the inverse of my metric of SCORE, which allows you to compare the relative value of any game by assigning a number equal to the hourly win, given certain standard conditions that can be found in BJA3.

DSchles said:
It's not N-O; it's N0 (N zero), and it's a number that tells you how many hands have to be played until the EV -SD equals 0. That is, the number of hands needed until the expected win overcomes a negative-one standard deviation.

As such, it is the inverse of my metric of SCORE, which allows you to compare the relative value of any game by assigning a number equal to the hourly win, given certain standard conditions that can be found in BJA3.

Thanks, Mr. Schlesinger. This whole time I have been stating N-O; it will be missed.