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  1. S

    Bringing Down the House vs. Busting Vegas

    Does anyone know if Bringing Down the House is supposed to be a more reliable and accurate account of real events than Busting Vegas? I'm reading BV right now and it seems to be more fictionalized and sensational but I could be wrong.
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    POLL: What card counting system do you use?

    Warlord had a pretty good idea so I'll go ahead and make the poll. . . I can only list 10 so here's what I'm going with.
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    Depth charging with an unbalanced count?

    I was recently re-reading the section on depth charging in Blackbelt in BJ and one thing I noticed is Snyder's comments on how the Red 7 isn't recommended for depth charging. However, that leaves questions on what exactly "not recommended" means. Is it impossible to gain an advantage with an...
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    Reno living conditions?

    I have a tendency to jump states about once a year. I'm currently living in Salt Lake City but feel like my time is almost up here. Wendover is nice and I get a chance to get out there from time to time, but it's still a little farther than I would like. I'd like to live in a casino town...
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    Single Deck Reno Rules

    What are the typical rules for single-deck games in Reno? And what are the BEST rules if you know where to look?
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    Is there a free program that will . . . ?

    Generate sample hands? I need maybe 200,000 hands to use for my own purposes but I don't have a good, reliable program that can create them. I know that there are a number of non-free programs that can do it, but I'm too broke for that. Any help?
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    Doubling Info

    Does anyone know if there's a chart online anywhere that gives information on how likely we are to win or lose when we double certain totals against certain dealer total? i.e. If we double 11 vs 10, how often are expected to win and how often are we expected to lose? Etc. . .
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    21 Is Here: Who's going to see it this weekend?

    I probably will. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. Who else?
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    Hypothetical Question

    Here's one for the theoreticians and math guys out there. If you had a mind that worked so efficiently and computer-like that you could refigure on the spot the proper basic strategy based upon every card that has been played so far, would that player have an advantage over the house? And if...
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    Backcounting Question

    For those of you out there who frequently make a habit of backcounting, I have a quick question to satisfy my curiosity. On a standard 8-hour session, how much time (on average) do you spend backcounting and scouting games and how much time is actually spent playing?
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    Did Thorp just have awesome pos. flux or what?

    So I am of course familiar with the story of Thorp's Reno/Tahoe trip with Kimmel and supposedly in a period of about 72 hours (and we're presuming this isn't all play time) he more then doubled his bankroll from $10K to $21K. Am I missing something here? I know that blackjack in those days...
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    Mezrich's Books

    I first read Bringing Down the House a couple of years ago and thought it was great. I blew through it at a speed that I rarely read at and had finished it in a few days. I then bought Busting Vegas and it has been sitting on my bookshelf for months. I've tried to read it twice but just...
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    Who was the millionaire card counter I once read about?

    Maybe someone can help me out here. I remember reading a story a while back about a multi-millionaire card counter who took some casino--I want to say it was MGM--for several million dollars. Supposedly he had been barred at every other casino in Vegas, but MGM would still let him play...
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    Simple Point Count???

    Quick question. . . From what I understand, Thorp detailed the ten-count in the first edition of Beat the Dealer, and then introduced the Complete Point Count and Simple Point Count in the second edition. Was the Simple Point Count the same as Hi-Lo, or did Hi-Lo develop out of the Simple...
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    Will blackjack go anywhere any time soon?

    Blackjack is the most popular table game in the casino. It makes the casinos a ton of money. But we also know they are paranoid as hell of card counters. Is there any possibility that the whole blackjack enterprise will basically just fade away, or perhaps more likely, that casinos will...
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    LV Single Deck rules?

    What's the single deck situation in Las Vegas? What kind of rules are standard and is it true that the single deck games are too closely guarded to be worth trying to count?
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    BJ variants used for cover?

    I just bought Snyder's Big Book of Blackjack today and it's BADASS! Furthermore, it has solidified my decision to learn Red 7 because between BLACKBELT and BIG BOOK there's a TON of Red 7 info to assimilate and use in the casinos. One thing I noticed was that he devotes entire sections to...
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    Heat and Camouflage

    I got another newbie counter question here. . . I don't know how many times I've read that you shouldn't spread more than 1-4 in a single deck game. But what about in a situation where you know you'll never visit that casino again, or at least not again in the foreseeable future? I mean, if...
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    What's ultimately more profitable. . .?

    Blackjack or poker? I'm watching Rounders right now and it just made me think about the question. I mean, consider this scenario: You have $10,000. You're going to go to Vegas for a month and devote as much time as you can to playing without becoming too exhausted to play skillfully...
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    Does anyone here prefer AC to Vegas?

    Just curious. I've never been to either, but of course I've read plenty of posts regarding the difference in conditions. So is there anyone who, if the driving distance was equal, would head East instead of West?