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  1. B

    PEN from heaven.

    I opened an ameritrade account cuz of all the free trades and promptly got hammered on DNDN..... whoops.
  2. B

    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    Thanks for that. I think that would help. I did do some of that in practice, but not enough. Probably my biggest problem was that I'd known zero about card counting prior to planning a vacation, which was two months before I left. It wasn;t enough time to get everything down cold with the...
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    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    you seem like a real barrel of laughs.
  4. B

    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    sure have - candyflipping, we call it. i stopped taking lsd for a while because i had a couple not-so-great trips. (I thought they were "bad" until I saw some people that ~really~ had bad trips.) i found the MDMA is sort of like a nice insurance policy you can take out to avoid unpleasant...
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    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    exactly! I've probably got a long long time before I see a casino again anyhow.
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    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    My wife actively dislikes gambling, so I don't think anything would have impresed her. But it wasn't really about impressing anybody- I'm not sure my friends had any real idea what I was doing beyond playing blackjack. They're jokers and I didn't want them going "Hey - How's the card countinig...
  7. B

    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    like i said, it was also a vacation, and the bankroll i was using wasn't the rent. It wasn't smart, but i still had fun. Not sure the same could be said if I left my wife and friends for hours at a time while I wonged myself. i was only high once out of several attempts at playing. last...
  8. B

    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    yeah, it was def a flop for my first try. thanks for the sympathy..... I wasn't playing with money that was going to break the bank so some of the time i played i just tried to practice counting in a real environment. I even played on some $10 games that were either CSM or ASM with...
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    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    oh - that too. yeah i guess they weren't very good rules after all.
  10. B

    Trip Report: Shot Down, No Blaze of Glory

    well i came back from my first trip to vegas (or any real casino for that matter) and my first stab at counting. All I can say is that I have a long way to go! I was kind of expecting the dealer to say "18" when my cards totalled 18, and hadn't really practiced the addition + counting, which...
  11. B

    New to CC - Niagara Casinos?

    1. No, Not on a CSM that shuffles every hand. On an autoshuffler that's used only after say 6 decks are dealt and then all are reshuffled, yes. 2. Yes. Good penetration is, from what i gather, at least 80% of cards. (which would be 6.5 decks, but 7 would be better.)
  12. B

    KO or Hi/Lo for 6D and potential serious play.

    if you are 19 with a 30K bankroll, I'd just keep on doing whatever it was that got you 30K. When I was that age my bankroll wouldve been $30. :grin:
  13. B

    cover/blocking out annoying people

    Fuk Nguyen? I dunno please tell.....
  14. B

    cover/blocking out annoying people

    has anybody tried pretending they don't speak english to shut up any schmoes at the table? I speak French well enough and so do my friends. Could we talk about the count and betting strategies openly in french without dealers in LV picking that up? Or if we get caught speaking english later...
  15. B

    Bellagio Game

    i'm interested in the Bellagio game since i'll be staying there in a few months time. So dealer hits on soft 17 for the $25 mins?
  16. B

    Counting a Deck in 30 Seconds

    cool thanks! i have the demo ofCV and have been using the drills, but this is a great idea ... the computer screen gets to be a bit much after a while...
  17. B

    Counting a Deck in 30 Seconds

    that's an interesting trick,although i do what you say not to and i'm finding the only thing slowing me down is that i can't physically turn the cards over any faster. i haven't been practising that long so maybe i'm fooling myself. :confused:
  18. B

    Counting a Deck in 30 Seconds

    yes, 30 secs still applies. you should be able to run down a deck one at a time in less than 30 secs. I bet you'll be able to cut the time to 20 secs if you practice.
  19. B

    How do you get an accurate count without even seeing the burn cards?

    Either my sense of humour is really dry, or your sarcasm meter is broken. ;) and for the record, i'm not the one from upstate NY. I'm from Bermuda.