OK - now I see lol.
But then why would 7,7 vs 10 also be "RS"? If surrender is available, it's always a surrender isn't it? Sure, it's a BS stand without surrender available so I don't understand that play then lol. Why wouldn't it be just an "R" in a 1D table that allows late surrender but an "S" in a 1D table that doesn't?
How fortunate for the guy who stumbles across the 1D table with LS and also learns that it is correct to stand on all 3-or-more 16's vs 10 but the same guy who just wants the same game without LS will never glean that knowledge from his generated BS table - he'll just continue to hit 16 vs 10 no matter how many cards comprise his 16 total. If you want to be consistent, at least try to generate the same info to the user from one table as another. Like maybe make 16 vs 10 in a 1D table with no surrender a "HS". With an asterisk or something lol.
Or, if you're gonna go with this 3 card stuff only when you can't/don't surrender but yet assume the rule is there, why not make 12 vs 3 a "HS"? (I think a 3 or more card 12 vs 3 in 1D is a stand overall just like a 16 vs 10?) since you'd never surrender the 2-card 12 in the first place? OK - that one might not be exactly comparable but then again might be at least relevant lol.
Does your HA take into account the added benefit of always standing on multi-card 16's vs 10 in the LS table while surrendering all 2-card 16's vs 10, small as it may be, vs if you hit all multicard 16's after surrendering 2-card 16's, but not take into account the benefit of always standing on multi-card 16's in the table without surrender available which would assume you hit all 16 totals no matter how many cards comprise the 16 total? Talk about a can of worms lol.
Guess I'm just used to your engine being based on best overall play for any total taking into consideration all the ways that 16 vs 10 can be generated, freq, EV, etc. Or maybe I confuse it when I look at it with some of those other kind of tables that maybe sometimes combine different rule assumptions lol.
Believe it or not, I like to keep things simple. As you can tell by all the above nonsense, I often fail
. Heck, as you can no doubt imagine, I have trouble just answering someone when they ask me "How are you today?" But I stick with BS and say "Fine, thanks" lol.
It's a BS engine. Give an "R" to 16 vs 10 and 7,7 vs 10 with LS. Give them an "H" and "S" when LS is not specified as a rule in another table.
Or soon you'll be using asterisks to indicate BS is stand on 5+ card 16's vs 9 or maybe soft 18's vs A in DD (is that maybe a stand with 3 or more cards - not sure lol).
But, thanks, I get it now lol. Nice refinement lol. It is a better BS. Draw the line anywhere you want lol. But can you at least see your way clear to at least just changing 7,7 vs 10 to just "R" so I can sleep at nite?
I get now the "RS" for 16 vs 10 but just can't grasp what the "S" does in "RS" for 7,7 vs 10.
And, totally irrelevant, thanks again for spending your time and doing all that Early Surrender stuff to your tables, adding the 5,6 etc. Maybe one person on planet earth might win a few extra cents in our lifetime for you doing that but I doubt it. But I really like you doing it anyway