13 vs 2 up


Well-Known Member
I think we only need to be slightly negative to make hitting 13 vs 2 up a favorable bet and it does not take much to go ahead and hit your 13 all the way up to 6 and then even the 14 etc. We all know the indices.

I always feel like I am putting my game on front street by hitting in negative count because very few people do.

I guess that is just the way it goes.


Well-Known Member
Fair warning!

Dopple said:
I think we only need to be slightly negative to make hitting 13 vs 2 up a favorable bet and it does not take much to go ahead and hit your 13 all the way up to 6 and then even the 14 etc. We all know the indices.

I always feel like I am putting my game on front street by hitting in negative count because very few people do.

I guess that is just the way it goes.
I by no means want to Discourage you, but Ive found through the years, and by playing tens of thousands of these hands, it will Pay to stick to BS, on Border line Decisons. They will Snake bite you if your not careful! Multiple Decks tend to be a little more giving. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The cards will bite you or you will get heat?

It does not take much to make hitting 13 vs 2 a the better play and it goes to a negative 5 count very often. I would think you would be throwing money away to not always whenever possible make the best choice from a math perspective.


Well-Known Member
Know your casino

13 vs 2 is a play you will only make when you have a minimum bet on the felt, so playing it right or wrong will never make a huge difference to your lifetime EV.

I have noticed that many novice players, probably hearing one of the great lies of blackjack that a 2 is the dealer's ace, will hit 13-16 very often against a dealer 2. If you are blending in as another ploppy and are at a place where people are hitting all those stiffs, when the count calls for it, do it, you will get no extra attention. This is pretty common on low limit tables.
