NO.....Harvey's book presents some interesting concepts, such as (paraphrasing) "Full tables are better because you get to see more cards"...all of his claims are based on "preliminary computer studies".
Let's see now, with Casino Verite' (sp?) software I can run something like 600M sims in about the same time that it takes to take a mind is SIMPLE, but it seems like he could have ran a few sims to verify his claims.
Have read most common and some uncommon BJ books in print, and several, several times each....only made it about 30 pages deep into Harvey's....had to be hospitalized for Bulemia! I do plan to finish it the next time I get serious about losing weight!
Just curious???....Is your friend a PC who wants you to play on his/her shift so that their "win #'s" look better???
BOTH....Snyder's work should be considered EXPERT, both for historical info. and current value. There have been some recent "flames" regarding A.S., does not really matter to me....kind of like Bobby Fisher in Chess...may be getting a little older, but I would not stand a chance in "heads-up" competition.
YES....Mayor's work is excellent, and anything he writes about AP and/or associated psychology should be taken seriously!
OTHERWISE....if you are a Beginner, may I also suggest Wong's "Professional Blackjack"....will need to read MULTIPLE times....after my first read of same, due to the "choppy" syntax, I ACTUALLY THOUGHT WONG WAS ORIENTAL! Personal prejudice, but my BJ Bible is Carlson's "BJ for Blood"....this goes with me EVERY casino trip, and usually, when I just go to work. Also strongly suggest
Karlin's "The Book That Casino Managers Fear The Most"...mostly psychology, but explains why us GAMBLER's feel good when we Win, AND WHEN WE LOSE!
Hope this helps.
Good cards.