2 deck


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Just as a reality check, 90% pen on a 2d game is friggin' awesome, right?
Yeah its a sweet ass place and I want to do it right, not sure if Hi-Lo is the best way to go with this.


Well-Known Member
I found a 90% penetration 2 deck game, and it was freakin' sweet. Just dont burn yourself out at that game!

I'd keep your spread low, like 1-5. I used a 1-(2X4) spread and it was a little much for that casinos tolerance. Maybe the casino will allow 1-5 even if they find out you count.

Even with a 1-5 spread you will have a decent EV with 90% pen.


Well-Known Member
mdlbj said:
What is the best system for 2 deck s17 90% pen
Whichever system gets you to the table the quickest! :)

If you already know a counting system, don't waste your time trying to learn a more advanced one - start playing ASAP! If you don't already know a counting system, use a very simple one like KO or HiLo so that you can learn it quickly. Any time you spend away from that table is lost money. The game may not last long either so you'd better get your share of the money before it's gone. :cry:



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
The game may not last long either so you'd better get your share of the money before it's gone. :cry:

The game is probably is a remote location where card counters aren't a problem for the casino. Of course if a counter does hit this table they will be all over you. I found a game like that in the middle of nowhere, but it was I got attention since I was usually the "high-roller" at the table, which is pretty sad actually...