21 Is Here: Who's going to see it this weekend?


Well-Known Member
I'll see it, no doubt, but I'll be downloading it. With the prices of theatres today, I only go when the movie absolutely must be seen on a big screen.



Well-Known Member
the book was great the trailers and the reviews already tell me it isn't worth the time to watch it.

count me out. har har!


Well-Known Member
I just got back...

from the theater. $9 is the only downside.

It's entertaining, and the BS plays I noticed were
correct. Watch the chip stacks grow, and surveillance
try to catch them. A good amount of treachery, too.
Isn't that what always happens when money is involved?

At least the kid got the girl, after all is done.

BJinNJ :cool:


Well-Known Member
Just got back from watching it a while ago.
It was a good movie. if you are looking for a good AP movie go elsewhere!!! i enjoyed it others enjoyed it thought it was great fun movie. Just a little slow in the start there though, good end to it.

Just remember its a Hollywood movie for people who aren't APs or BS players, let alone even set foot in a casino.

we've got a movie based on a book based on a real story. Don't expect the book.

il give it a 3.5-4/5


Well-Known Member
I expected this thread to blow up, so I'm a little disappointed to see the lack of responses.

I went to see the movie this weekend and, all in all, I enjoyed it. As an aspiring filmmaker myself, I was really able to appreciate the film's visual style. They had a good cinematographer.

From a blackjack perspective, they don't go exceptionally deep into the realm of AP play (and why would they?) but everything that is included is solid. I remember another poster saying that the movie teaches that high cards are +1 and low cards are -1. This is incorrect. All the card counting information is legit, as is the explanation of the Big Player strategy.

In regard to the story itself, it is really a greatly simplified and slightly altered version of the book. It is dramatized--even more dramatized than Mezrich's account, but again, this is to be expected.

Overall? 3 stars out of 4.


Well-Known Member
SPX said:
As an aspiring filmmaker myself, I was really able to appreciate the film's visual style. They had a good cinematographer.
Russell Carpenter was also the DP on True Lies and the Charlie's Angels movies. He's got a pretty good eye and he knows how to do action movies.

[EDIT: Russell is also featured in this month's copy of American Cinematographer magazine. He talks all about shooting 21.]

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Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Russell Carpenter was also the DP on True Lies and the Charlie's Angels movies. He's got a pretty good eye and he knows how to do action movies.

[EDIT: Russell is also featured in this month's copy of American Cinematographer magazine. He talks all about shooting 21.]

Thanks for the info. I'll try to find the article the next time I'm in B&N.


Well-Known Member
Is this seriously all anyone has to say about this movie? BEFORE the movie there was a ton of discussion and now that it's out there's barely a peep?

What the hell is going on here?


Well-Known Member
SPX said:
Is this seriously all anyone has to say about this movie? BEFORE the movie there was a ton of discussion and now that it's out there's barely a peep?

What the hell is going on here?
there is more up in the 21 movie section at the top of the forum posts.
lemme give you this on my perspective.
the 'feel' of the movie 21 was for me hard to relate to my personal experiences. the 'feel' of the movie The Last Casino was more in line with my personal experiences. even though 21 might have been a bit less off the wall shall we say.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
there is more up in the 21 movie section at the top of the forum posts.
lemme give you this on my perspective.
the 'feel' of the movie 21 was for me hard to relate to my personal experiences. the 'feel' of the movie The Last Casino was more in line with my personal experiences. even though 21 might have been a bit less off the wall shall we say.
I've heard of The Last Casino. Canadian movie, right? There were a few people on the IMDB claiming that 21 "was a total rip off" of the The Last Casino.

Tell us more about the film. Any good?

(BTW, didn't know there was a 21 board.)


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen 21, did check out Last Casino. Liked it. Granted, the production had much more of a made-for-TV feel to it but my god, that actress sure made up for it...



Well-Known Member
I saw it Friday afternoon...

and found it entertaining. I didn't really go to find inaccuracies
in either the BJ plays or fidelity to the book, since I'm still training
and haven't read the book. The only downside for me was the
ticket price, but I haven't been to the movies in a couple years.
(I like old movies on cable... yes, even in black and white)
I enjoyed watching the stacks of chips fly, and the BS plays I
watched seemed right, but others have serious questions about
some depictions of how team play works and a line about
'...splitting 8s at high counts', or something to that effect,
which I vaguely remember but didn't care to focus on.

At least the kid got the girl at the last. Not my luck! :cry:

Overall I agree with my local paper with a 3/4 star rating.

BJinNJ :cool: