6,6 7,7 Basic strat for pitch games


Well-Known Member
In SD and DD pitch games where DAS applies,

It is correct to split 6,6 vs. 7 and 7,7 vs. 8 according to multiple sources.

is the hi-lo count uncorrelated with the play decision here? Am I able to do this in both negative and positive counts? Would it be a terrible or marginal mistake in a shoe game? What about NDAS games? I've seen a chart where it says to split 6,6 vs. 7 in NDAS SD games for all TC <0 using hi-lo.

I need someone to clarify. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
In a DD game, split 66v7 when TC<4. Split 77v8 when TC>-1.

I recently had the opportunity to split 77v8 in a high count. I thought I was dead meat, expecting 2 17s and a dealer 18. Turns out, I got a small card on each one, doubled, and won both hands (to the amazement of my ploppy neighbor who was groaning when I split). The dealer did have an 18.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
I recently had the opportunity to split 77v8 in a high count. I thought I was dead meat, expecting 2 17s and a dealer 18. Turns out, I got a small card on each one, doubled, and won both hands (to the amazement of my ploppy neighbor who was groaning when I split). The dealer did have an 18.
Nice when it works that way :grin: