6 deck min $3 vs. 8 deck $2 min...which one is best?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I am at a new casino (new for me) and they have an 8 deck game min bet $2 with 2 decks cut off and a 6 deck game min $3 with 1.5 decks cut off, which should I play?

My BR is around $2,000. Should I play the minimum $2 table so I will have a smaller RoR?

The BS engine on the site said house edge was .69% on 8 deck game and .66% on 6 deck game.


Sitting at the coffee shop right now so hopefully someone will respond fast, haha


Active Member
The six deck is better if both have equal pct pen, shuffles take less time and you are more frequently closer to the end of the shoe with the six deck, the first several rounds of an eight deck shoe never proudce a signifigant true count. With the six deck you get less 'meaningless' rounds play is more productive neg shoes end quicker. Also I believe you get slightly more black jack's the less decks you have


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
When you're comparing 6 and 8 deck games, the real measure is the number of decks, not the percentage.

I understand that six decks is better than eight. What I don't understand is your remark that the extra 0.5 penetration is what makes it better.


Well-Known Member
If I recall correctly, a 6 deck game with 1.5 decks cut off is better than a 4 deck or an 8 deck with the same penetration. It has to do with the frequency of higher counts.

IN general, a single deck game is preferable because you will easily see +10 counts. And a deeply dealt 6 deck game is good because you will see +5 true counts that last for a long time.
shadroch said:
I understand that six decks is better than eight. What I don't understand is your remark that the extra 0.5 penetration is what makes it better.
If the 8D game had 1.5D pen and the 6D game had 2D pen, the 8D would be better. 6D is better than 8D but only by a small margin, equivalent to about 9 cards penetration. So if you are choosing between games, and you see an 8D game that is dealt a quarter deck deeper than a 6D game with the same rules, you'd choose the 8D.

All this assuming the typical ranges of shoe penetration (1-2D) Once you get into really bad pen, the math becomes nonlinear but those are games you're going to be avoiding anyway.


Well-Known Member
well back from the casino - I ended up playing the $2 more than the $3 table (wasn't able to recheck this thread until now, but I might be heading back to the same casino this week).

Anyways I don't know if I was getting heat or not but I was spreading 1 to 10 on the $2 table when it was good and a couple of the PC came over and talked for a bit, don't know if it was about me but not sure.

Next time I go I'll just play the 6D game though, with 8D it took forever for a shoe to end and just it seemed like less +TC's happened, but it could have been just me.

But at this casino it was pretty nice, they used 16 decks for the 8D game, and 12 for 6D...and one was being shuffled in a machine while we were playing, so unlike my casino which hand shuffles it was funny since "shuffle complete" meant pressing a button and taking the cards out of the machine haha.

Needless to say I made more on my $100 win on a 25 cent bet on video poker than I did at BJ, but oh well. I played a little bit of Let It Ride as well since it was new to me, lost like $30 there, and saw people at the table with me get a full house (11 to 1 + $100 bonus and a guy was 1 card away from an open ended straight flush but got a straight instead and won $300..) But I kept losing, and was trying to think of the odds of that game...bad.


Well-Known Member

With your bankroll of $2,000 you can easily afford to have a $10 unit so the minimum of $2 or $3 will not affect you in the slightest. Personally between 6 and a 8 deck game I would choose the 6 deck game. but I think double deck is usually the best and I will go for an outstanding single deck game.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
With your bankroll of $2,000 you can easily afford to have a $10 unit so the minimum of $2 or $3 will not affect you in the slightest.
A 200 unit BR for a 6D game?! That sounds way to slim to me. I wouldn't play with less than 800 units, and that's with aggressive Wonging. When I had a $2k bankroll I was playing at the $3 SD tables and grinding out as much as I could get away with. I was sometimes Wonging the SD and DD games just to be able to play them without going broke. I was a sad sight, but I made it. :laugh:



Well-Known Member
yeah I don't think they have a DD or SD game there, but I will be heading back down there on tuesday so will play the $3 6D game. Lately I have been wonging the $3 and $5 tables at my casino with some success, kind of nice when the count becomes really positive and the 2 people at the table leave :).

Also do RFID chips make it easier for the casino to detect if you are counting / spreading your bet too much?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
$2.00 min Blackjack?

Which state do you play in with such low limits? Just curious if it will not comprise cover.