6 decks with low minimums?


New Member
I'm looking for a good selection of 6-deck shoes with low mins and a max of about 100X the min or more. Strip or downtown, it doesn't matter. Can anyone supply me with some specific info? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Last time I was in Vegas Monte Carlo had one $5 6d s17 das ls shoe. It was in amongst a bunch of h17 shoes.


Well-Known Member
boulder highway
golden nugget has a $1 table.
across the street the long horn has 2 and $3 tables.

downtown you should be able to find a lot of $5 games.

i don't really play the strip...


Well-Known Member
I believe Ellis Island still has a $1 shoe game during the day, but I don’t remember what hours.



Well-Known Member
off hours on the strip there are $10 - 15 dollar tables but usually with H17.

So its possible to find $10 dollar games on the strip. I personally haven't seen $5 dollars ever at the really large properties.