6 to 5 Single Deck with D any Two and DAS?

Infinite Monkey

New Member
Does anybody know of any casinos in L.V. -- other than the I.P. -- that has 6 to 5 single deck games with double any two cards and double after split? Or even any that just have double any two? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
all of them in Tahoe!

6 to 5 usually has double any two double after a split! That being said you would be 3 times better of playing a single deck that pays 3 to 2 and restricts you to doubling on 10-11 only no double after split. Tip look for double deck games in vegas they are the new single deck game!


Well-Known Member
Why do you want this game

Infinite Monkey said:
Does anybody know of any casinos in L.V. -- other than the I.P. -- that has 6 to 5 single deck games with double any two cards and double after split? Or even any that just have double any two? Thanks.
You have described a horrible game, so the question is why do you want it?



Well-Known Member
There are many ways to take advantage of a 6:5 game, especially when there are a lot of tourists around.


Well-Known Member
mdlbj said:
There are many ways to take advantage of a 6:5 game, especially when there are a lot of tourists around.
There are even more ways to get an advantage when you lock down a table and keep the tourists away.



Well-Known Member
I've only found one dealer that exposes her holecard about 60% of the time on this game, There are a few of these tables at my local casino but I stay away from them, I used to play them and quit before I lost money at it....


Well-Known Member
Even if you could take advantage of tourists and taking their splits and doubles, would you even need to count?


Well-Known Member
DON'T PLAY 6:5 GAMES! Unless you can hole card or get some other weird advantage, it's not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's why I asked how you could take advantage of it....I DON'T play these games.....only when I come across the holecarding dealer....and when 3rd base is open.:cool2: It's only once in a great while when I see her dealing here......