A couple of changes...


Well-Known Member
To all,

For a number of reasons, I have decided to re-focus on the primary mission of this site, the discussion of advantage gaming. That has meant deleting the "non-BJ" and "Zen Zone" boards from this site.

I hope that the "Zen Zone" will reappear elsewhere on the Internet, and that you will seek it out at its new home. I have deeply appreciated the spice that ZG has brought to this site and hope he continues his one-of-a-kind ways of expressing himself in a more appropriate forum.

With best wishes to all,



Well-Known Member

On the other hand, we seemed to have gained a new chief justice, so I guess life is in balance after all.


Well-Known Member
You may remember...

About 2 years ago I tried to sell this board and a member of this board at the time stepped in and said he would run it. He talked me out of selling and he took on all costs and persuaded me to stay on. His only request was that I continue to write podiums and participate int he discussions.

You don't know this person is even here because his work is silent, but believe me, without his efforts, this board would not exist today.



Well-Known Member
And all this time

I had always thought that management here was the same as management on HBO's Carnival. Perhaps it is.