A story about Champion


Well-Known Member
I want to share a story about a dealer. He deals normally at $100 table minimal table so I don't know him. Ploppies call me "Wicked". Other dealers call him Champion. Anyway he is assigned to my table and I can feel he is someone special because no one wins at his table. When Champion took his 20 minute break, I asked his replacement how he gets the nickname. He said Champion almost never loses. So when he came back, I paid attention how he shuffled.

There are two casinos I often visit and they all have hand shuffled Blackjack. The other one takes about one minute to shuffle the shoe. They are both two pass shuffle. But at the other casino, the dealer just mix two chunks quickly to have the shuffle done as quick as possible. But Champion and many dealers at this casino take four or five minutes to shuffle a six deck shoe. The first pass is normal. But this is the details of the second pass:

Champion took five steps to complete the second pass. He divided six decks to three decks on each side. Each time he took 0.6 decks from each side and shuffle. Unlike the other casino the dealers just shuffles head on. Champion (and many dealers in this casino) tilt the decks while shuffle. So they can see the ranks of the cards while shuffling. Then each time they will select a few cards either put them to the top of 1.2 decks or the bottom of 1.2 decks. They do this about six to ten times for each 1.2 decks. To most players, the stripping seems to be random, the few cards he selected can either go to the top or the bottom. But Champion is watching while shuffling, so he makes sure if the cards contains most faces go to the top, the cards contains most aces and smalls go to the bottom.
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Well-Known Member
The G Man said:
Why don't you just tell us where this piece of s... works ?
I don't think you should meet Champion. He has that smug face when he takes players' chips especially at high count high bet. I think you will punch him.


BJgenius007 said:
I want to share a story about a dealer. He deals normally at $100 table minimal table so I don't know him. Ploppies call me "Wicked". Other dealers call him Champion. Anyway he is assigned to my table and I can feel he is someone special because no one wins at his table. When Champion took his 20 minute break, I asked his replacement how he gets the nickname. He said Champion almost never loses. So when he came back, I paid attention how he shuffled.

There are two casinos I often visit and they all have hand shuffled Blackjack. The other one takes about one minute to shuffle the shoe. They are both two pass shuffle. But at the other casino, the dealer just mix two chunks quickly to have the shuffle done as quick as possible. But Champion and many dealers at this casino take four or five minutes to shuffle a six deck shoe. The first pass is normal. But this is the details of the second pass:

Champion took five steps to complete the second pass. He divided six decks to three decks on each side. Each time he took 0.6 decks from each side and shuffle. Unlike the other casino the dealers just shuffles head on. Champion (and many dealers in this casino) tilt the decks while shuffle. So they can see the ranks of the cards while shuffling. Then each time they will select a few cards either put them to the top of 1.2 decks or the bottom of 1.2 decks. They do this about six to ten times for each 1.2 decks. To most players, the stripping seems to be random, the few cards he selected can either go the top or the bottom. But Champion is watching while shuffling, so he makes sure if the cards contains most faces go to the top, the cards contains most aces and smalls go to the bottom.
The fact that this dealer nicknamed "Champion" is watching while shuffling means nothing the way I see it. If he's a "Champion" than why is he dealing BJ and not playing BJ? I'm sure he loses unless the BJ players he's dealing to at the $100 table are the dumbest players in the casino. Most dealers are not astute enough to change the nature of the game of BJ in such a way that the house will be favored unless they are deliberately screwing you over such as not playing with a full deck (missing 10's), preferential shuffle ups, or flat betting a certain player at the table who they may think is an AP. This "Champion" guy is not the Master.... Steve Forte or Dustin Marks. His buddy dealers are not that good either. Newbie dealers right off the street don't know how to riffle shuffle cards to casino standard and must be trained relentlessly. Even after being trained properly 99% of dealers still wouldn't know how to manipulate a deal or a deck of cards because your average dealer doesn't think in such terms unless they have some kind of magician background involving cards, a seasoned crooked dealer to show them the way, or they're looking for an edge themselves in order to exploit and steer a hand dealt card game. It'll take years for the average vanilla dealer to learn such. How would you know if "Champion" is setting the deck up with most faces going to the top and Aces & smalls going to the bottom when you've only sampled a very small sampling size of his deals? The players get the cut card.
I vote that Blitzkrieg is the dealer "Champion", look how he defends him! Not being paranoid at all here.. but honestly if the case is as you say Id try figuring how to beat him in his own game here, wipe that smug face off of him :)