ace/10 front count


Well-Known Member
does anyone have a link to it that I can send to a friend who needs something really simple - thanks in advance as always !!!:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
ty for the answer and link but

he plays mostly at greektown - the worst in Detroit not that any are any good - and he plays just 8 deck so I need a link for that . Thanks in advance !:) :grin: ;) :cool2:
Take a look at the "How to bet " thread in this forum. Has a link on the Ace/10 front count along with 8 deck adjustments.

Regards, treehugger
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Well-Known Member
A, 5 count died 45-years ago

Pre 1963 A,5 or "end play" as it was known was very effective. Pre-Thorpe pro BJ players were few, but they did well. A,5 is effective if the single deck game you are playing is dealt to the bottom, and hopefully flipped over to complete the last hand! If you ever get into a time-machine this system may do you some good.

On the planet earth, OPP is the easiest break-even card counting system. It will probably give you an advantage on most hand held games and some shoes.

The easiest REAL card counting system is REKO (Really Easy Knock Out). It is an unbalanced level-1 system that has real power and a real ability to beat the casinos.

The problem with little systems and silly-old systems are: You'll likely get kicked out without an advantage! If you fly your bets up aggressively, required for the baby systems to work, you may likely get kicked out. They see big swings when the deck is rich, you may find yourself in the cold. For what? You weren't even playing with a real (meaningful) advantage!

IMO--- A,5 and OPP/speed count are for people who want to do counting but lack the self confidence or dedication to practice for an hour or two each day for few weeks or so.

Check out REKO Norm (from is responsible for it's existence.
