Looking for some advice on ace side counting.
Thanks in advance.
- Firstly, I've heard some conflicting reports, but do you add the number of extra aces per undealt deck to the RC or TC? My impression is TC.
- Does CVdata's ace side count add the Aces to the RC or TC?
- How do you know how much to add to the count? +1? +2 in some games? What if you set an outrageously high number like +5? What will happen?
- You subtract the extra aces dealt thus far to the count, correct? (i.e. not just add for extra undealt aces, but subtract for extra dealt aces) Does cvdata do this too?
- Tips please on how you keep it in your head! I practiced saying "5A, 4B, ..." in my head yesterday at the casino for each ace dealt, but then you have to quickly know which letter you're supposed to be at, at each point in the deck/shoe? How costly are these mistakes compared to just using an ace-reckoned count?
- How many of you have success with this?
Thanks in advance.