Bossplayer21 said:
I am having trouble keeping the count in my head and still being able to make perfect BS plays or enjoy myself. For now I have given up on hi-lo and will try the Ace-Ten front count. I read this is in Fred Renzey's book and wondered if any of you have ever tried this count. I understand it is not the best tool but if I play perfect BS and use this count and its advanced plays will I be close to even on EV? The hard part of this count is I have to estimate 2 decks worth of cards in the discard tray. To make this easier I am having a friend count the cards played and I will count the A-10, so we will have no errors in estimation. What are your thoughts on this plan.
The Ace/10 Front Count is extremely easy and extremely weak as counting systems go. But if you can't seem to get the hang of plus/minus counting, the Ace/10 Front Count is a heck of a lot better than just playing basic strategy.
You will not have a positive EV if you simply play all shoes, good and bad. You must use that front two deck mark as your barometer to either finish the shoe with one unit bets, wong out, or increase your wagers the rest of the way.
As is strongly recommended with any kind of advantage play in shoe games, you should also backcount your way into your new table every time you've left the last one because of a bad front count.
And finally, understand that you must spread your bets from 1-to-6 units to capitalize on your infrequent advantages. To play on the same bankroll you used for flat betting basic strategy, your one unit Ace/10 bet should be only around one-third of your BS flat bet, so that your six unit plays will in effect, be only about double.
The book spells all this out in detail. Doing these things will bring you a net positive EV equal to about one-third that of Hi/Lo. It's paltry and uncertain over a limited time -- but it still beats the snot out of playing with a disadvantage like nearly everybody else.
Other responses and critiques are welcome.