I understood
In the beginning it will be time consuming to a point of hobby considering time, and to be successful it will be your hobby.
Your better off doing what you know best, improving it, and then the short vegas get-a-way trips with wife/girlfriend. Your motivation will come from understanding perfect basic strategy with the attitude it's only half the fun you will have on trip and every so often the cost of entertainment roars.
I believe a large degree of AP's are loners. You don't need a friend to travel and play with during trips. In addition, I believe there is not many making a living playing blackjack today without a sponser. This ends up being your travel partner...he fronts the cash for trip/session and takes half win. Win Win situation for AP and also a benefit to poppy who, in reality, has no chance of winning. Value it received by all participating.
I think I'll put an ad on craigslist for a poppy interested in hiring a professional to play his money Saturday night. This is not as crazy as it may sound. When I was in the standardbred racing industry, many evenings I sat in an owner's box after dinner making his selections and using his money as a 50%'R. Once I raised over $10,000 at Pompano Park by forming a group to attempt hittng a $250,000 pic 8 at Meadowlands. After handicapping and talking all day to barn personel on the backside I made my pics. Total required...$4,200. I hit it with end result winning $45,000 (Multiple winners) I only took four guys action and they received approximately $8,000 for their $1,000 investment that night. After that night I must of touted at least 3/4 people nightly for a piece of their win action. The same could be accomplised in BJ. Use other people's money.