Adapting a Habbit


Well been studying BS chart and also counting down a deck in my new journey of card counting.

I was reading an interesting piece on forming a habbit, the experts say if you do something everyday for 21 days it will become habbit.

So with that being said, one should be able to count cards out of habbit eventually.

Do any of you find the 21 days to be correct? or do you think it is a longer period of time?


Well-Known Member
I'd say that just due to the complexity of the task, it takes somewhat longer than that. I do think that it does become pretty much habit eventually - i can now not practice for a couple of weeks, but if i sit down within half an hour i'm back to my normal standard - but it does take several months worth of work.
I think it requires too much conscious effort to become a subconscious habit.



Well-Known Member
A little more like playing golf. Impossible at first, Rapid improvement early on, but continuous smaller improvement over time.


Well-Known Member
KoKo21 said:
Well been studying BS chart and also counting down a deck in my new journey of card counting.

I was reading an interesting piece on forming a habbit, the experts say if you do something everyday for 21 days it will become habbit.

So with that being said, one should be able to count cards out of habbit eventually.

Do any of you find the 21 days to be correct? or do you think it is a longer period of time?
long ago i attended a seminar in which the facilitator recomended twenty one repititions to help ingrain a desired result into psyche. i've since always used twenty one repititions for lots of routines such as lifting weights, stretching after jogging, memorization ect.
i'm curious as to where you read the piece on forming a habit.


Well-Known Member

Personally I think it would take 21 days of "table play." No question it will take more than a few months to learn how to count. And if you want to get past RJT's comment, "I think it requires too much conscious effort to become a subconscious habit"...then it will require table time of at least twice a month with daily/weekly practice after you accomplish the 21 day "No Mistake Play." That is, very few. I also agree with some of the comparisions about golf, bowling,etc. You either got it or you do not.

Safefrog, do a Google. You would be surprised how fast you will be able to answer you question. And by all means, please come back and let us know your findings and opinions.



Well-Known Member
Re-reading my previous post i would just like to make one small adjustment. I feel that it takes too much conscious effort to become a sub-conscious habit in that short a time. It does as the years go by, become something that you do without even realising it. Hell, when i do dabble in poker, i still have to consciously think about it not to count.



This is the article I read.

Now I also believe it will take alot longer then 21 days to get counting down, since there are many baby steps,such as learning BS chart ect..

I do belief as far as charts, 30 days would be reasonable.

but if you read the article, the person running the experiments also claims the harder of his goals to form a habbit seem to really take 4 months and longer to become habbit.


Well-Known Member
I understood

In the beginning it will be time consuming to a point of hobby considering time, and to be successful it will be your hobby.

Your better off doing what you know best, improving it, and then the short vegas get-a-way trips with wife/girlfriend. Your motivation will come from understanding perfect basic strategy with the attitude it's only half the fun you will have on trip and every so often the cost of entertainment roars.

I believe a large degree of AP's are loners. You don't need a friend to travel and play with during trips. In addition, I believe there is not many making a living playing blackjack today without a sponser. This ends up being your travel partner...he fronts the cash for trip/session and takes half win. Win Win situation for AP and also a benefit to poppy who, in reality, has no chance of winning. Value it received by all participating.

I think I'll put an ad on craigslist for a poppy interested in hiring a professional to play his money Saturday night. This is not as crazy as it may sound. When I was in the standardbred racing industry, many evenings I sat in an owner's box after dinner making his selections and using his money as a 50%'R. Once I raised over $10,000 at Pompano Park by forming a group to attempt hittng a $250,000 pic 8 at Meadowlands. After handicapping and talking all day to barn personel on the backside I made my pics. Total required...$4,200. I hit it with end result winning $45,000 (Multiple winners) I only took four guys action and they received approximately $8,000 for their $1,000 investment that night. After that night I must of touted at least 3/4 people nightly for a piece of their win action. The same could be accomplised in BJ. Use other people's money.