Adjusted count for betting ease


Well-Known Member
I adjusted the KO system so that I always start my count at 8 no matter how many decks. In this way I seldom go into negative numbers. Also, and more importantly, when I am doing 8-deck counts, my key count begins at 30 and my pivot point is 40, so it's really easy to ramp up my bet, as follows: 30, 31, 32 = 20; 33 = 30; 34 = 40; 35 = 50; 36 = 60; 37 = 70; 38 = 80; 39 = 90; 40 = 100. Before I was getting confused what to bet; this way it's pretty much automatic. Also, it's convenient to always begin with 8. In 6-deck I just have to remember my key is 24 and pivot point is 32. I may redesign the numbers since I plan to start playing more 6-deck, because I found that at the Borgata it's all 6-deck.

Anyone make similar kinds of adjustments?


Well-Known Member
I use KO as well. I start my 6D counts at -3 (KC=15, PP=20), which uses the "fab fives" approach from the book. I start my 8D count at -7 (KC=15, PP=25).

I chose these numbers so the wong-in points are the same for both 6 and 8D, based on deck-adjusted TC of +1.5:
1D +9
2D +11
3D +14
4D +16


Well-Known Member
I play KO also but try to stay away from 6D. When forced to play it, I start the IRC at ZERO, and I use that approach for any number of decks.

So my 6D KO would be:

Key Count = +16
Pivot Point = +24

Optimized Kelly betting (1-10 spread): Just deduct 14 from the RC.

RC for Wonging out:

1 deck gone: 0 or less
2 decks gone: +4 or less
3 decks gone: +8 or less

I realize those numbers don't gibe exactly with the book but I rounded them for ease and they are close enough for me. After 1,2, and 3 decks gone the "normal" distribution should result in an adjusted (adding 16 for an IRC of zero) RC of +4, +8, and +12 respectively. Therefore, you Wong out when the distribution is about one deck below where it should be.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I don't mind negative numbers too all of my counts start in the red. But the beauty is--the KC is always 0 (I dubbed it the Turning Point)...from there, the ramp begins.

But that's is a great thing about KO--it's customizable to how you prefer to count.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Why not 6D?

Knox said:
I play KO also but try to stay away from 6D.
How come? Is it because of poorer pen? The plus counts may not come in every shoe, but the shoes play faster. I've had my best streaks in 6-deck, so I'm interested to hear about the downside. It might just save me some money.:cat:


Well-Known Member
Knox said:
I play KO also but try to stay away from 6D. When forced to play it, I start the IRC at ZERO, and I use that approach for any number of decks.

So my 6D KO would be:

Key Count = +16
Pivot Point = +24

Optimized Kelly betting (1-10 spread): Just deduct 14 from the RC.

RC for Wonging out:

1 deck gone: 0 or less
2 decks gone: +4 or less
3 decks gone: +8 or less

I realize those numbers don't gibe exactly with the book but I rounded them for ease and they are close enough for me. After 1,2, and 3 decks gone the "normal" distribution should result in an adjusted (adding 16 for an IRC of zero) RC of +4, +8, and +12 respectively. Therefore, you Wong out when the distribution is about one deck below where it should be.
Im pretty new with unbalanced counts . Does this look right as a okay technique, to you unbalanced players. This is my irc right? or is it the pivot?

1D 0>+24 Whats the(a) key count?
2D 0>+16
3D 0>+12
4D 0>+8
5D 0>+4
6D 0>+0


Well-Known Member
I use KO as written with the pivot always being +4 and insurance always being +3 - with the follwing wongin points for 6D:

-8 after one deck
-6 after two decks
-4 after 3 decks

all three points correspond to a TC of +1.5, thus wong in at 2 units and use the few existing Key Count strategy departures. (16v10 and Surrender 8,8 v A).