Well-Known Member
I adjusted the KO system so that I always start my count at 8 no matter how many decks. In this way I seldom go into negative numbers. Also, and more importantly, when I am doing 8-deck counts, my key count begins at 30 and my pivot point is 40, so it's really easy to ramp up my bet, as follows: 30, 31, 32 = 20; 33 = 30; 34 = 40; 35 = 50; 36 = 60; 37 = 70; 38 = 80; 39 = 90; 40 = 100. Before I was getting confused what to bet; this way it's pretty much automatic. Also, it's convenient to always begin with 8. In 6-deck I just have to remember my key is 24 and pivot point is 32. I may redesign the numbers since I plan to start playing more 6-deck, because I found that at the Borgata it's all 6-deck.
Anyone make similar kinds of adjustments?
Anyone make similar kinds of adjustments?