Advanced technique or not


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I took a trip to the casino and had a not so bad day, only walked down a unit or 2 after a couple hours of play..Hard to find a +count after my first 2 shoes. Had a multi-card 21 and dealer draws till she gets 21 also. She starts clearing everyones bets away and takes mine too. I was sitting at first base when she cleared my bet away and almost started dealing again until myself and the woman next to me stopped her and told her the mistake.

The pit boss comes over and asks me what my bet was because the dealer did not remember. I see this as a prime opportunity. Originally I had a $20 bet out, but I decided to tell them it was a good amount of red chips and had to have been about $40. The dealer starts b*tchin that there was no way I had bet that much and takes a few reds and shows the PB what my stack looked like (Ironically it came out to $20)... I told them that it was def. more than $20 on the table and to review the tape to see how much it actually was. It gets them to finally move up to 30. I get a little more greedy and ask for 35 saying they should give me the benefit of the doubt because it was their mistake, but they didn't budge. I took the $30 and had a pretty tough time holding back the smile. I'll probably start lookin for more opportunities like this because dealers tend to do that a lot, but I usually catch it before the bet is pulled.


Well-Known Member
Advanced scum bag not a technique.

If you are a pretty consistent bettor, the dealer more often than not knows what you bet in the first place. If the pit is tracking your play, you aren't going to get away with an amount very much larger than your average bet.

At some houses, if they do go back to the tapes, the cameras are good enough to tell you exactly what you bet. A good pit boss will probably give you exactly what you bet, and then bounce you out the casino.

Not smart to wait until the dealer is almost ready to start another hand before pointing out a 1st base mistake. A dealer quickly shrugging his shoulders and then just continuing on will wipe out the extra $10 you managed to steal earlier. Try to hold back your smile when that happens.


Well-Known Member
Bad move

You might get away with this once, but it's incredibly risky. And for what, $10-$20? It's barely a touch short of cheating.


Well-Known Member
I don't like it from a risk-adjusted basis. I don't normally want EXTRA pit scrutiny of my bets.

Good to get the bet back of course, I just wouldn't push too hard for an overpay.


Well-Known Member
extra effort

I don't think it was worth the effort and you pissed off the dealer to boot. Having a pissed off dealer ain't worth sitting at the table any more it really works against you in the long run. You broke a rule of ap and drew more attention to yourself and play than needed. You now run the risk of being remembered. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
1st you lied....
then they showed you your bet... a stack of red $20...
then you lied again.

why didn't you just reach over and grap a few stacks of black and run?

the line was crossed when you jumped on the opportunity to lie about the size of your bet.

No AP would stoop so low.

I bet you felt like a hero for the ten bucks.

If I were you, I'd run to McDonalds and put ten bucks in the Ronald McDonald House box. Pray you don't get your clock cleaned the next time you go to play, and remember this.....

Welcome to the Obamanation!!!! Redistribution of Wealth Plan..

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Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
It's a shot (a cheat move that falls short of criminal), not a pure advanced technique. But one worth taking. Good job.
I knew someone would appreciate the extra effort.

blackchipjim said:
I don't think it was worth the effort and you pissed off the dealer to boot. Having a pissed off dealer ain't worth sitting at the table any more it really works against you in the long run. You broke a rule of ap and drew more attention to yourself and play than needed. You now run the risk of being remembered. blackchipjim
The dealer wasn't really that pissed off because it was her mistake after all and I had been tipping her every now and then. Also, what is this ap rule your talking about? laws were broken, just a moral decision of lieing or not.

bjcount said:
why didn't you just reach over and grap a few stacks of black and run?
I believe you can go to jail for that if I am correct.

bjcount said:
No AP would stoop so low.
I disagree.

bjcount said:
If I were you, I'd run to McDonalds and put ten bucks in the Ronald McDonald House box. BJC
I did give a poor guy a dollar for a jitney ride so he didn't have to walk in the rain so does that count??

For the record, I would never have "misled" a player to get money out of them, but the casino is rich, so f*ck it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bjcount
If I were you, I'd run to McDonalds and put ten bucks in the Ronald McDonald House box. BJC

Posted by rollem411
I did give a poor guy a dollar for a jitney ride so he didn't have to walk in the rain so does that count??
Absolutely! Out with the bad & in with the good. You did the right thing, now go take them for all they got!

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Well-Known Member

You definately can not let a dealer take a push, but you took it too far asking for more than you actually bet. A bad camera angle can tell the difference between 4 and 8 red chips, but your real sin is making yourself more memorable.

Dealer takes push, dealer believes your bet was $20 and in fact your bet was $20 and the floor aproves her giving you back your bet. Case closed, over and the pit and dealer move on. You are not memorable.

Instead you want more and the dealer thinks you bet less. Pit must get more involved, dealer is sure you are taking a shot, you will be remembered!

Simply, it is not worth it. Some of us can bet hundreds to thousands of dollars in a casino, come back a short period later and no one remembers us.

ihate17 said:
You definately can not let a dealer take a push, but you took it too far asking for more than you actually bet. A bad camera angle can tell the difference between 4 and 8 red chips, but your real sin is making yourself more memorable.

Dealer takes push, dealer believes your bet was $20 and in fact your bet was $20 and the floor aproves her giving you back your bet. Case closed, over and the pit and dealer move on. You are not memorable.

Instead you want more and the dealer thinks you bet less. Pit must get more involved, dealer is sure you are taking a shot, you will be remembered!

Simply, it is not worth it. Some of us can bet hundreds to thousands of dollars in a casino, come back a short period later and no one remembers us.

You make some good points. The issue of being memorable depends a lot on where you play. Most of my play is in big East Coast stores where no one is memorable, so I take every shot I can. The rest of my play is in stores spread across the country where I slash and burn and don't come back for years, so I take every shot I can. And dealers take shots at me too, I catch them all the time.

But if you are a regular at a small casino, that's a whole different kind of play where aggression of any kind is not recommended.

If I were at your table I would have sat there and said nothing, just took it all in....and lost all respect for you....and then left that table fast.

You were a bad boy:whip:, do a good deed with the extra money you received...."go now and sin no more".:flame:......:)

creeping panther said:
If I were at your table I would have sat there and said nothing, just took it all in....and lost all respect for you....and then left that table fast.

You were a bad boy:whip:, do a good deed with the extra money you received...."go now and sin no more".:flame:......:)

Are you talking about a casino or a church? I respect taking money from the casino by any means possible. I don't even have any moral problem with a cheat- you think casinos don't ever cheat? I don't cheat only because the reward isn't worth the risk, to me.

Please remember that in a casino, that old person at the slot machine could lose their last dollar, go home and commit suicide, and the casino will be upset only that this person won't be coming back with next month's Social Security payment. They have zero concern for the well-being of any patron therefore I have zero concern for the way any patron treats them.


cardcounter0 said:
Advanced scum bag not a technique.
It was legitimate, but sensitive.

In 2005 I was at the Wester and a guy grabbed two big handfuls of my chips and ran out the door. I told the casino manager that I had $350 in chips (it was more like 175) - he reimbursed me the whole 350 and I remained welcome. zg

Automatic Monkey said:
Are you talking about a casino or a church? I respect taking money from the casino by any means possible. I don't even have any moral problem with a cheat- you think casinos don't ever cheat? I don't cheat only because the reward isn't worth the risk, to me.

Please remember that in a casino, that old person at the slot machine could lose their last dollar, go home and commit suicide, and the casino will be upset only that this person won't be coming back with next month's Social Security payment. They have zero concern for the well-being of any patron therefore I have zero concern for the way any patron treats them.
I believe in "Strength And Honor". So should we all.



Well-Known Member
A family member of mine had a heart attack while driving away from the casino i believe it was induced from stress from a loss. I will unfortunatly not be able to confirm or deny my theory because this person passed away fromn that very heart attack. He spent most of his adult life at the casino playing very high stakes and basicly lost his life at the casino because of the casino. We still get offers for him in the mail from different casinos especially the one he passed away at, they have no idea he is gone or that they drained him slowley. I agree take those bastards for everything that they have anyway you can.


Well-Known Member
Your story is typical of one who does not believe in taking personal responsibility for one's actions. Nobody forced your family member to gamble.
21forme said:
Your story is typical of one who does not believe in taking personal responsibility for one's actions. Nobody forced your family member to gamble.
Yes, I agree. A gambler is ultimately responsible for his own problems. Just like a drug addict- no one forces you to take drugs. But if I hear that a drug dealer got shot by one of his customers, he gets no sympathy from me. Likewise if a casino gets ripped off by a desperate patron, that's the way that business goes, it's not my problem.