Alternative to CBJN?


Well-Known Member
Are there any alternatives to CBJN out there? I've often found CBJN to be flat wrong for many casinos even when they have recent visits to them. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
No, there isn't. For the most part, it's pretty accurate, however conditions can change shift to shift, dealer to dealer. If you find errors, report them to [email protected] It will be forwarded by Stanford Wong (with your email adr removed) to the reporter to verify.
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Midwest Player

Well-Known Member

AC232323 said:
Are there any alternatives to CBJN out there? I've often found CBJN to be flat wrong for many casinos even when they have recent visits to them. Any suggestions?
I think its still out there. However, I don't know how good it is. At one time it had the potential to be better than CBJN. I had a free membership to it for awhile.


Well-Known Member
The better alternative is to do your own homework and/or network with a few trusted players. Any of these services should only be used as a tool in this process. The reporters, are paid to report conditions on their 'route' once per month, I believe the first couple days of the month. I have no doubt they try to provide the info as accurately as possible, but any info they provide is only a snapshot in time. Some stores, conditions are not that fluid and don't change much, but others are very fluid and conditions reported on the 2nd of the month may not be the same on the 20th of the month, or even the following day on the 3rd of the month. They may not even be the same later that day. If you use the report as a guide to steer you towards games you want to further check out, I have found CBJN to be very adequate.
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kewljason said:
The better alternative is to do your own homework and/or network with a few trusted players. Any of these services should only be used as a tool in this process.
kewljason said:
The reporters, are paid to report conditions on their 'route' once per month, I believe the first couple days of the month. I have no doubt they try to provide the info as accurately as possible, but any info they provide is only a snapshot in time.
The reporters DO protect some games in their route, "under-rating" some games for their own use, while other reporters (in the past) have been surveillance employees under-ranking their own house's good games. zg


Well-Known Member
Also keep in mind conditions do change dealer to dealer, day to day, week to week in many casinos.