Rob McGarvey
Well-Known Member
User Profile: alienated
Messages Posted ( CardCounter.Com Main Message Board ): 47
Most Recent Post: 7/20/03 11:21:18 p.m.
Handles: alienated, Ted Forrester.
Ages: alienated is 30ish, Ted is pushing 60.
Educations: alienated, an F student, was expelled from school at 15 and left home to join the Young Anarchists. However, they expelled him soon after when his growing interest in shuffles led him to argue, distasteful though it was for him, that determinism was an important concept for professional gamblers. Ted, a C student with good connections, eventually received his Masters degree, having been enrolled in one of the university's less reputable PhD programs. (Provisions were in place such that the authors of exceptionally poor doctoral theses could, rather than flunking, be awarded Masters, on the proviso that their rich parents refrained from pursuing protracted law suits against the university.)
Jobs: alienated remains proudly unemployed and fiercely unemployable. He uses his dole cheques as tiolet paper and chain smokes cheap, nasty cigarettes - especially during negative counts at the non-smoking tables. Ted, in his student days, was an apologist for the capitalist state and big business before selling out to classical Marxian political economy, there being an unexpected opening at the university. Eventually, having secured his full pension, he denounced the capitalist education system and turned to high stakes roulette and craps, using his pension as his first session bankroll. (It was only many years later that he was introduced to advantage play, and dissuaded of the benefits of 'money management'.)
Interests: alienated likes keying aces and pairs, especially against shuffle machines. Ted likes living the high life.
Messages Posted ( CardCounter.Com Main Message Board ): 47
Most Recent Post: 7/20/03 11:21:18 p.m.
Handles: alienated, Ted Forrester.
Ages: alienated is 30ish, Ted is pushing 60.
Educations: alienated, an F student, was expelled from school at 15 and left home to join the Young Anarchists. However, they expelled him soon after when his growing interest in shuffles led him to argue, distasteful though it was for him, that determinism was an important concept for professional gamblers. Ted, a C student with good connections, eventually received his Masters degree, having been enrolled in one of the university's less reputable PhD programs. (Provisions were in place such that the authors of exceptionally poor doctoral theses could, rather than flunking, be awarded Masters, on the proviso that their rich parents refrained from pursuing protracted law suits against the university.)
Jobs: alienated remains proudly unemployed and fiercely unemployable. He uses his dole cheques as tiolet paper and chain smokes cheap, nasty cigarettes - especially during negative counts at the non-smoking tables. Ted, in his student days, was an apologist for the capitalist state and big business before selling out to classical Marxian political economy, there being an unexpected opening at the university. Eventually, having secured his full pension, he denounced the capitalist education system and turned to high stakes roulette and craps, using his pension as his first session bankroll. (It was only many years later that he was introduced to advantage play, and dissuaded of the benefits of 'money management'.)
Interests: alienated likes keying aces and pairs, especially against shuffle machines. Ted likes living the high life.