An idea for OC/LA area bj practice


Hey all,

I just built a very spiffy and professional looking blackjack table a few weeks ago. I am looking for some feedback regarding the possibility of doing a bi-monthly blackjack practices, where you can get someone dealing to you in a more real atmosphere without risking real money. Is this doable? What are some advantages and disadvantages?



Well-Known Member
Right on! I'm building a table myself, but it won't be ready for at least a few weeks. I would love to hang out and "talk shop" with a few locals. Some of the BEST practice I had was as a home dealer. It's HARD to count all the cards as you deal them, calculate each player's hand totals, play your own hand, and figure the proper payouts all while keeping the count in your head. It really focuses your concentration. Once you've done that, playing one spot in a casino is EASY!

Keep us posted on what area you were thinking about doing it. I'm in.
