
Associate of Lobbyist Charged as Part of Corruption Scheme

By ANNE E. KORNBLUT and MARIA NEWMAN November 18, 2005

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 - Michael P.S. Scanlon, a business associate of the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, was charged today with conspiring to defraud Indian tribes of millions of dollars as part of a corruption scheme that included at least one member of Congress.

Mr. Scanlon, formerly the spokesman for Representative Tom DeLay, sought to "corruptly offer and provide things of value, including money, meals, trips and entertainment to federal public officials" in exchange for help with legislation and other favors, according to legal papers filed today.

The court document singled out one lawmaker, referring to him as "representative #1," as the chief recipient of lavish gifts from Mr. Scanlon and his partner. Representative Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio, has been subpoenaed in the case and the description in the indictment matches public accounts of his work with the lobbyists.

Mr. Ney has proclaimed his innocence, saying he was tricked into doing favors for Mr. Scanlon and Mr. Abramoff.

Brian J. Walsh, a spokesman for Mr. Ney, said the congressman would cooperate fully with investigators.

"He has not been told that he is the target of any investigation and there would be no grounds to do so," Mr. Walsh said in a statement. "Mr. Scanlon's being charged with lying to and cheating his clients does not change that."

Today's action came in what is called a criminal information filing, rather than an indictment, a legal distinction that often means prosecutors have reached a plea agreement with a defendant.

A Justice Department spokesman, Bryan Sierra, told The Associated Press that a hearing has been scheduled for Monday in Mr. Scanlon's case, but he provided no other details.

Investigators from several law enforcement agencies have been pursuing accusations that Mr. Abramoff and Mr. Scanlon defrauded several Indian tribes that paid them about $80 million for four years of work.

The inquiry has had repercussions across Washington because of Mr. Abramoff's and Mr. Scanlon's close ties to Mr. DeLay, who stepped down from his leadership post after being charged with violating campaign finance law in Texas.

One Bush administration official, David Safavian, the head of procurement at the Office of Management and Budget, was forced to resign in September after he was charged with lying to investigators about assistance he gave to Mr. Abramoff and obstructing a federal inquiry involving the lobbyist. The month before, a federal grand jury in Florida indicted Mr. Abramoff on charges of fraud and conspiracy stemming from his purchase of a fleet of gambling boats in 2000.

In the case of Mr. Scanlon, today's filing alleges that "Lobbyist A," who is not identified, solicited an Indian tribe in Mississippi in 1995 to provide lobbying services on taxes and other issues relating to tribal sovereignty.

The lobbyist then recommended that the tribe hire Mr. Scanlon's company, Capital Campaign Strategies, while concealing the fact the Lobbyist A would receive 50 percent of the profits from the tribe's payment to Mr. Scanlon, according to the document.

The Mississippi tribe paid Mr. Scanlon's firm $14.8 million from June 2001 through April 2004, while Mr. Scanlon concealed from the tribe that 50 percent of the profit "was kicked back to Lobbyist A pursuant to their secret arrangement," the court papers said.

Anne E. Kornblut reported from Washington for this article, and Maria Newman from New York.


Well-Known Member
Re: casino/GOP corruption *LINK*

The Abramoff case is going to make the pending Delay and Libby indictments look like child's play. It is a much more serious threat to Delay than the current indictment for Texas campaign law violations. Lock 'em all up and throw away the key!


The multifacited GOP/CASINO connection...

... is put into perspective in my October 21 Tribune story. zg (Archive copy)


Dominoes falling?

Following a Federal indictment by the Florida U.S. Attorney on Aug. 11, the FBI arrested and jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the financial procurer for then House Majority Leader DeLay. Abramoff currently faces trial for fraud and conspiracy in the takeover and looting of the Florida-based SunCruz gambling casino cruise-ship line, pretending to make a $23 million payment towards the purchase of SunCruz from its former owner, Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis. After Boulis protested that Abramoff had not paid him, and reportedly tried to take back control of SunCruz, Boulis was gunned down 'gangland style'.

Abramoff has been an architect of the power cartel behind DeLay, feeding the Congressman money siphoned from the multi-billion-dollar empire of Indian gambling casinos and Pacific island sweatshops under Abramoff's sway.

Abramoff made tens of millions as America's biggest lobbyist for Indian gambling casinos, funding DeLay's PACs. DeLay put through a bill in June 2000, giving land to Abramoff's Choctaw tribe in connection with casino gambling.

Federal prosecutors and Senate investigators are now probing Abramoff's reported bilking of tens of millions of dollars from his Indian clients. The scams were aided by laundering of tribal monies through donations to Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform. (Norquist was also the paid strategist for the Internet gambling industry, working with Abramoff and DeLay to profit from and protect Internet casinos.)

Abramoff and Norquist passed along to Ralph Reed monies drained from tribal treasuries. Reed was the founding executive director of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalitionthe hard-core support apparatus behind DeLay, and formulator of much of his rhetoric. The tribes paid Abramoff and his junior partner, former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon, for their influence in curtailing gambling enterprises by rival tribes. Reed took millions of this casino loot and paid his Christian Coalition networks to campaign against competing casinos.

Abramoff even took millions from the Tigua Indians to reopen their Texas casino after he and Reed had secretly schemed to shut it down.

Abramoff and his two behind-the-scenes career partners, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed, organized the rise of "DeLay, Inc.," by coercing corporations and their lobbyists (the "K Street Project") and whipping up religious fanatics (the Christian Coalition) for the money and muscle that bought DeLay his dictatorship over Congress.

Criminal underpinnings loosened

These same arrangements are at the heart of the political system sustaining the Bush-Cheney Administration. With multiple criminal and Congressional investigations now pursuing DeLay, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their cohorts, Abramoff's fall opens a new window on the criminal underpinnings of the entire Bush regime.

Last week's indictment of three men with Mob ties in the gangland-style murder of gambling ship magnate Gus Boulis during Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff's take-over of the gambling cruise ship line revealed deep Mob connections at the highest levels of the Republican Party.

One of the principals in the scandal, Abramoff partner Adam Kidan, was the co-owner and general counsel of a Caribbean island hotel-casino with Rosario Spadaro, called "a member of the Sicilian Mafia" in an Associated Press story reporting his recent arrest in Italy in a major investigation into international arms trafficking.

"Italian police have arrested St. Maarten's most prominent hotel owner, Rosario Spadaro, accusing him of laundering money for the Sicilian Mafia, Italian police said Thursday," read the AP report in the May 20, 2005 Orlando Sentinel.

Kidan, Abramoff's second-in-command at the SunCruz casino line, is reportedly soon to be indicted for the murder of Gus Boulis' murder, on the relatively safe grounds that he wrote checks totaling a quarter million dollars for no easily discernible reason to the Gambino hit man recently charged with the crime.

While Abramoff's Indian gaming troubles may be getting the most publicity, his other major 'area of concern' is where the real scandal resides. Involvement with Mob-run casino boats may turn out to be a faux pas, even for Republicans.

Florida's cruises-to-nowhere represent "the largest unregulated gambling industry in the United States," said Bill Thompson, a professor of gambling at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and nationally recognized expert on the industry, in an interview in the Miami Herald. Thus the potential for both 'skimming' of unreported cash as well as the laundering of illicit monies is enormous and conveniently close to Governor Jeb Bush's Florida.

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