Another thought just clicked...


Well-Known Member
After reading some of the posts concerning "the other side" ie, how pit bosses and dealers view us, a couple thoughts dawned on me. From reading the dealers and casino forums that is. Seems like these "legitimate thieves" are more interested in hawking their own book at how to stop US. At $200.00 dollah a pop!

Previously I'd been concerned about being found out on smaller tables I went back to once a month or so. Not so much any more.

From what I've learned lately about casino managers and personnel they're more concerned about employee theft, higher stake advantage players and customer service. Those bosses and dealers who really know counting are watching the bigger players. Guy like you and me will slip through the cracks just so long as we don't go into the same room too often. Maybe like just once a month. So I think anyway.

And besides (the most important point): If these bosses and casino personnel REALLY knew the advantage player's game well enough to bust us?

Well they wouldn't take a schitty job in a smoke filled casino for near minimum wage.

They'd be doing what we're doing!


Well-Known Member
Top casino people make great money,plus they get health insurance,benefits,ocial security and retirement plans. Most get ESOPs as well.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Top casino people make great money,plus they get health insurance,benefits,ocial security and retirement plans. Most get ESOPs as well.
Yeh but they're not the ones looking for you. You have a few members of management that have remit that covers finding and barring AP, but for the most part it's low paid surviellence and low paid pit bosses.



Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
And besides (the most important point): If these bosses and casino personnel REALLY knew the advantage player's game well enough to bust us?

Well they wouldn't take a schitty job in a smoke filled casino for near minimum wage.

They'd be doing what we're doing!
thats right and thats just what some of them do........


Well-Known Member
red chip counters at black chip places

Call it a tolerance zone, call it- you are not a threat, call it- we really do not have the time to bother to evaluate you.
Whatever the reasons, places that are comfortable with large bets generally will not even rate or evaluate for counting, red chip players. MGM in Vegas will not even take your players card if you are not a $25 player. They know that there is some guy in the casino who might spread $10-$120 and take them for a few dollars but why waste manpower trying to find that guy in the crowd. Better to use their resources on bigger fish.
There are exceptions. The worst thing you can do is be so obvous that not doing something would embarrass the person in charge. You might also go to the well too often, but overall in these kind of places, a red chip counter who makes cover plays that cost him EV is just throwing money away.



ihate17 said:
overall in these kind of places, a red chip counter who makes cover plays that cost him EV is just throwing money away.
Agreed. Far too much alk about camoflauge for redchippers around here. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Agreed. Far too much alk about camoflauge for redchippers around here. zg
Amen. I have played a 1-100 spread and never got any heat on a 10 dollar table. Multiple hands of course @ .72% of Bu X TC -1. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Just another flea!

To the casinos, I am just another flea. To me a win is a win. If it is $1 or $1000, doen't matter. I am still just a flea to them. Happy to get my wins and comps. At Bj I have never experienced any kind of heat!


Well-Known Member
Between all the camo play,and endlessly running into cheating dealers,its a wonder most don't just throw their money away.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Agreed. Far too much talk about camoflauge for redchippers around here. zg
Granted. I do think though that Aslan's comment about NOT placing a large bet at the end of a shoe, then quickly removing it during the shuffle was a smart suggestion. I'd noticed this myself and am taking corrective matters. Ditto when the shoe drops in count and removing a large bet after a push. Am trying to be more discreet about this now.

rdorange said:
To the casinos, I am just another flea. To me a win is a win. If it is $1 or $1000, doen't matter. I am still just a flea to them. Happy to get my wins and comps. At Bj I have never experienced any kind of heat!
That is my goal: Slip through the cracks, make pleasant conversation. Win decently. Go on to the next place, come back in a month or so. "Lather, rinse, repeat".


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Granted. I do think though that Aslan's comment about NOT placing a large bet at the end of a shoe, then quickly removing it during the shuffle was a smart suggestion. I'd noticed this myself and am taking corrective matters. Ditto when the shoe drops in count and removing a large bet after a push. Am trying to be more discreet about this now.

That is my goal: Slip through the cracks, make pleasant conversation. Win decently. Go on to the next place, come back in a month or so. "Lather, rinse, repeat".
Hahahaha! Lather, rinse, repeat. That's good. And tomorrow your hair will be sunshine bright! :band: