Antigua Besting U.S. at WTO


I did time with Jay Cohen while I was incarcerated at Nellis FPC - see Zengrifter Interview. zg


Against All Odds
Antigua Besting U.S. in Internet Gambling Case at WTO

By Paul Blustein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 4, 2006; Page D01

Locked in a federal prison in the Nevada desert, tortured by the distant lights of the Las Vegas strip, Jay Cohen couldn't stop thinking about getting even with the government that had put him away -- and his revenge fantasy had a unique twist.

U.S. prosecutors put Cohen behind bars in 2002 for running an Internet gambling site in the Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda. Not long before the prison gates clanged shut, he had learned that the federal crackdown on online betting might violate global trade rules.

The United States imprisoned Jay Cohen for his gambling Web site based in Antigua. So he got Antigua and Barbuda to instigate a complaint at the World Trade Organization. "It kind of helped keep my spirits up," he said.

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